the BIG Reality Check Topic [part II]

had the weirdest LD today right after school… came home at like 2, went to sleep at 3 and i had an LD in the time between 3-6… and it was really cool lucid dream… i dont know why it came so fast i wasnt even trying to have one… i just saw i was dreaming and did a RC then im like shit a LD, awesome!!! pretty weird though

hey i also do that with a non digital watch… it works really well but in dreams you look at it it has 5 hands and is moving backwards and your like oh ok, and you only sometimes take notice of it… For me the plugging up the nose works perfect… not a single time it hasnt worked… so yah if you are good at the watch thing then stick to it but if ot then try plugging your nose

My favorite reality check that isn’t very reliable (except IRL) is to say ‘if this is a dream I will have % amount of dollars magically appear’. Some other ones would be to check location and people’s bahavoirs.

This is my latest RC, every morning i open my dictionary and find a word and it becomes my word of the day. then whenever i do an RC i think of that word. If i am dreaming then i will relise there is no word and therefor was no morning and then i will click. If not a dream then i will remember the word i chose.
It works well as well because it forces you to remember the morning and place yourself in the day, also its a good one becase it only requires thought effort.

A new idea im toying with is also picking a word before i go to sleep and as im going to sleep reminding myself to remember it, in theory in my dreams i may remember this word and then remember the fact that i just went to sleep and therefor am not dreaming.
However i have not yet tried this one so im not sure.

I’m kind of obsessive-compulsive about time, so clocks make a great RC for me. Last night, when I had my very first lucid dream where I remained lucid for more than two seconds, I woke up, looked at the clock, realized I had been dreaming, then went back to sleep, thus putting myself back into my dream fully lucid. Is that kind of like WILD? I’m not really familiar with all these techniques yet.

I check my watch and try to breathe through my nose when it’s blocked. Haven’t had a fully lucid dream yet. I’ve done reality checks in my dreams but not the ones I practice. Last night I checked if I could see my nose. And sure enough I could. This surprised me because I was sure it was a dream and thus woke up.

Niteowl - It was WILD if you are sure you really woke up to look at the clock (wasnt it part of the dream perhaps?). Anyway what counts is that you had a LD longer then 2 secs, congrats!

Inchworm - that’s why the “can I see my nose?” RC isn’t that good after all.

Now that’s a really interesting idea. I’m not sure if it will work for me, but I am definitely going to try it – if nothing else, it will help keep RC-ing “fresh” and not too automatic.

Let us know how the 2nd/night-word thing works out for you, hmmm…?

Whenever I see a clock, I generally focus carefully on the digits, or hands. I will then look away and back IRL. In a dream, generally looking at it the first time will trigger an LD. (That is, if I see a clock in my dream. Usually if I do though, the hour digit will be like 100.) :smile:

I think the 'look the digital watch’is probably the easiest, and also it should probably work very well when you have false awakenings in which you are still in you are in your bed. Once unfortunately I had a dream In which I did not become lucid even tough my digital watch gave the time as 10:60 AM(which is impossible unless your watch is broken)

I had a FA and was in my bedroom. It looked like my childhood bedroom. Back then I had a waterbed with a shelf in the headboard. I suspected that I might be in a dream of my old bedroom and reached behind me and felt the shelf and concluded I was dreaming.

As I lucidly left my bedroom and walked downstairs I began to worry I was not dreaming. So I reached out and pulled on the bannister and it came loose and confirmed my lucidity.

As I lucidly walked out the front door purposefully naked (just to flaunt the fact that it doesn’t matter because it’s a dream - not because I am an exhibitionist) I get a little nervous and pull on the iron railing along the porch steps. The rail pulls like rubber , so my lucidity is confirmed and I head out into the street…

So if you suspect you are in the past - look for something purposefully to confirm you are in the past.

Or - pull on a solid object to see if it bends or breaks. Sorry if this is a repeat RC suggestion, but I was just so happy that it worked for me.[/code]

lucidrainwater: I like those ideas! I’ll keep that in mind when I eventually am able to explore my ld’s instead of just waking up instantly. :happy:

The LD4all T-shirt is a perfect RC :smile: If you wear it and bear it in mind, you’re constantly confronted with it, especially if people ask you repeatedly what it means :wink: It gave me already one LD.

That is an idea! I ruined mine, unfortunately…i walked in the rain with it and newly dyed hair. :sad:


My RC is to pinch my arm. If the skin extends like rubber, I know it`s a dream.

Well then you have the one and only original LD4ALL T-shirt with Siiw’s hair dye patterns on it! I’d sell it on ebay, should do big! :happy:

Why do we RC again? Sorry, I’m such a n00b… >_>

Is it to get you in the routine for the possibility you might do it in your sleep?


You’re right.
If you do RC’s you might do it while your dreaming too. And then you will realize you’re dreaming and you have a LD.

But if you do a RC like: “I see, I’m awake”. You might do it in your sleep too like: “I see, I’m awake” and you will continue your dream without knowing you’re dreaming.

But I never really behave the same way in dreams as I do IRL…
