The BIG Remembering Dreams topic - Part III

Where can I find the best DJ site ?

You mean a website? Probably right here…is that what your asking?
/me is confused :confused:
The only reason why I’m posting in here is because I’m in a dream recall dryspell. Recall just seems to come and go…

I remember waking up earlier this morning, knowing that I had dreamed a lot, and I rememberd plenty of it…

Unfortunatley, before I wrote anything down, I fell back asleep and by the time I woke up, nearly all those memories have been wiped out.:grrr:
It’s frustrating to know a lot has happened, but you don’t know exactly what…

Well I heard that is pretty good.

I’m new to this but I have an excellent memory and I remembered 1-2 dreams each day for the past week so do you think I’m ready to try to have a lucid dream?

I think so. :content:
Good luck! :happy:

I’m the same way. I don’t know what to say about it. what’s even weirder is the latley I’d remember dreams at the strangest times, like last night, I woke up at a time where I’m extremely tired and I’d be like “Ok, I’ll write the dream down.” but I could hardly open my eyes and when I do, I just fall right back to sleep. I wake up in the morning, trying to remember at least just the glimpse of the dream and I’d forget the whole thing before I can write it down. When I do remember something, they are mostly weird, nightmares that seem like an alter ego or I’m like a totally differant person. I agree, I feel like ripping my hair out too.

Your dreamview adress dont work.

I just use … Thats the best site I think for that .

how many dreams and of what quality should i remember them before i move onto inducing LD?

so far i have a few fragmented ones each night, but they are all so similar…am i ready? im thinking im not

I am getting so unbelievably frustrated with my dream recall (or lack thereof). My dream recall was great when I was a small child, but for years after it was pretty bad. Then I got into LDs and everything and I had a few nights of fantastic recall and even a few moments of lucidity. Now…I’m not remembering anything. I journal, I will myself to awaken after dream periods, I get enough sleep…but I’m just not remembering anything.

datameister im not a pro at this but from my experience this is how it works

i used to chant to myself and keep telling myself to remember and to wake up and write.

well last night i was trying to do WILD and just fell asleep, so i woke up in the middle of hte night and just said stuff it, i don’t want to write, then i woke up in day time my normal wake up time…i sat in bed or around 20 minutes, reliving my last dream, get out of bed and remember both dreams in the detail they originally were (not much). The key is to just set the intention, i tell myself, “when i wake i’ll remember my dreams” then i just go straight to bed.

Thanks, LucidSpade. I guess I’ll just have to keep pushing through this “dry spell,” and keep setting my intention on remembering…after all, it’s only been a week or so.

When you remember about one dream per night, it’s good. If you just recall fragments of dreams, it’s perhaps not enough indeed.

For a week or more I can’t remember any dreams. Last night i said to my concious: “When I wake up i will remember my dream. I will wake up at 6.10 AM”. And actually i waked up 6.15, but no dream recall. What can be wrong?

I keep an DJ but i don’t really write to it much - because i don’t remember my dreams, maybe sometimes.

I’m in the same predicament you are, harad. I had great recall for a few days, a little over a week ago…

yeh im starting my dry spell, well last night was a little different, my neighbours were fighting and the cops had to be called. I couldnt sleep because it was too hot for hte airconditioner to be turned off and it was too loud. Less sleep and even less Dream Recall

Dryspells are very common. Everybody has them. So nothing is really wrong. Don’t worry and continue to keep your DJ, even if it’s just with fragments or feelings of dreams. :smile:

<:wolb: edit> Moved to The BIG Remembering Dreams Topic. :wave: </mod edit>

Need help… Should I set my alarm clock? And if so, what time?

You want to set your alarm in order to recall your dreams?
If so, you probably shouldn’t. Instead, let your internal alarm awaken you.
Before you go to sleep, tell yourself you want to remember your dreams and wake up after each one. This can work quite well and you could get quite a few on your first try.

BUT… if you’re just such a deep sleeper I guess relying on your alarm clock is the choice you must turn to. Since REM occurs about every 90 minutes, try setting it at an intervel to that. Try 4.5, 6, or 7.5 hours after you go to sleep.

I just read an article in a psychological journal stating the differences in tactile sensation in women, post- NREM vs REM awakening. They used a standardised rod to ‘tickle’ the hand of the volunteers.

Although seemingly unrelated, this does pose an interesting point that tactile sensations are usually less intense to the dreamer.

As we know there’s a general ‘priority’ to the order of the senses, (if i remember correctly it goes hearing, vision, touch, smell, taste, correct me if im wrong).

To me, this might suggest why setting an alarm clock to wake you up, is pretty intense and 99.9999% of the time, won’t knock you into a dream, but will knock you right out of sleep. The REM/novadreamer goggles rely on light pulses to the eyes, which is much less sensetive, so you’re less likely to wake up.

Where am i going with all of this?

Instead of using an alarm clock which is ‘harsh’, try setting your phone to silent+vibrate, and have it quietly buzz somewhere on your bed (maybe at your feet). More chance of beoming conciously aware of the dream. Also try smells (there are timed fragrance dispensers, perhaps you could time it to spray in the morning and you could associate LD’s with that smell). Taste i woudnt mess with for obvious reasons (choking, hard to automate, sleep apnea, etc)

That’s an excellent idea Noodle! I’m going to give this a try at some point, after my current experiments have been finalised :content:

This topic has reached 10 pages posts, and will be locked.
This is part 3 of the BIG Remembering Dreams topic.
Part 4 can be found here.