the BIG remembering dreams topic part V

the usual…

  1. keep a dream journal
  2. tell yourself you will remember your dreams before going to sleep
  3. on awaking, don’t move right away, spend some time just gently probing your memories for any dream fragments and then try to recapture more by going up and down the timeline in your mind
  4. always write down notes about your dreams as soon as you wake up (even if it is the middle of the night) … write down anything … even if it’s just a feeling about the dream or one item, event etc

Lately I’ve been trying some LD induction techniques, but they’ve been spoiling my recall ability for some reason.

WILD and WBTB seem to make me forget whatever I was dreaming about, even if I wake up via autosuggestion rather than alarm clock. I managed to find the end of the string and unravel the memory of the dream a couple times, but usually something has to jolt that memory.

If I let myself sleep I’ll generally wake up at the end of the dream, or after the important events have ended. I don’t have much of a problem remembering the details of those dreams, provided I’m not wearing my sleep goggles (which I haven’t been for the past 2 weeks).

I’ve noticed a sharp drop in recall since I’ve started trying these techniques. The night I attempted MILD as soon as I fell asleep I experienced a split second dream (literally like a flash of a dream so fast it’s incomprehensible). Then I had another dream flash when I fell back asleep. After that I had 2 ND.

Is that how it usually goes when starting out with the techniques? Should I just keep at it? It doesn’t affect my quality of sleep, just my recall.

what are some more ‘hints’ on dream recall, besides the “usual”

i heard a few others like to “be more aware in waking life” meaning, take note on everything you see. For example when you see the color blue, in your mind say “blue”, instead of just ignoring it.

but, I don’t know if it works or not. Are there any others???

Troober, could it be slightly 'performance anxiety? I’ve notice that when dreamers start an online DJ they sometimes lose a little recall at first … it happened to me too.

If you set the intent to remember your dreams before going to sleep it should help with recall problems.

It may also be a natural dry spell that just coincided with starting to use techs.

It is really worth keeping at it. Plus if you do become lucid, LDs are usually a lot easier to recall than normal dreams

I can remember my dreams most of the time, somtimes I remember some of it but not all of it or I just dont remember anything.

I almost always remember LD’s though :content:

I never found that trying WILD affected my ability to recall dreams. If a part of your technique is affecting your recall I would guess it is the WBTB. I have experienced forgetting my dream and only remembering it when something jolts it, when I was going through a dip in recall. The recall problem was caused by me being distracted, I agree with what Moogle said about setting your intention and focusing on your recall.

The last bit you described sounds a lot like HI to me. Perhaps whatever you were doing whilst attempting MILD might help you when you try WILD next :smile:

Alright, I’ve been really interested in LD since I found this site. I actually stumbled across it when I was googling how to remember dreams cause I only remember my dreams once in a blue moon, which is exactly my problem. What am I supposed to do to remember my dreams? Just a few days ago I remembered a dream (I normally remember about 1 a month) and I became lucid from an electronic device not working dream sign, then I woke during the dream and remembered it. Is the only way to remember dreams the instant you wake up without having to think about by being woken up during the dream because since I found this site thinking about the dream and letting it come to me hasn’t worked.

Since your recall used to be poor it will take a while to build up your recall ability.
Saying “thinking about the dream and letting it come to me hasn’t worked” doesn’t mean it won’t work in the future.
Whenever you remember anything at all make a note of it … no matter how small. Keep a record of how your recall improves it will spur you on to have confidence it will continue to improve.
Finally LDs are always easier to remember than normal dreams.

My personal experience is … when I get woken up in REM, I don’t need to make the effort to remember since all the dream memory is there. Otherwise i have to tentatively search for dream memories in my mind and then ask myself what happened before? what happened afterwards? and travel up and down the dream timeline and then get the memory of the dream fixed in my mind before I move.

:welcome: welcome to the LD4all forum :smile:

Here’s my methods of remembering dreams.

At night I use to tell myself that I will remember my dreams when I wake up.
I keep a Dream Journal.

When I wake up, I use to just stay still or move just a little and try to remember my dreams. (This is very useful) One time I didn’t remember pretty much anything from my dreams, but then I got chunks of the dream which eventually widened up to the whole dream.

And relax. Stressing won’t help you nowhere.

Not sure if this will help anyone, but, I used to have the WORST dream recall ever. I could rarely ever remember any dreams without great strain and dedication. Then, I started running competitively and as a necessity had to seriously increase the amount of water I drank everyday to fight the dehydration that comes with running so much. All this extra water consumption led to an increasing number of trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I never used to wake up (that I remembered) until the morning but now I wake up two times a night (minimum) to go the bathroom and I generally have dream recall every time (except for the time I ACTUALLY wake up for good). I don’t know if this would help anyone else but it was a pretty simple way for me to go from remembering 2-3 dreams per week to 2-3 dreams per night. User beware, though, during the night is not the only time this technique increases bathroom use!

Hey guys, I’m kinda new to LD-ing but I’ve been around the site quite a bit. I started trying to improve my DR about a week ago but I didn’t use a DJ. A few days ago I realized it is very useful to have a DJ so I bought an A6 96 page book.

On Saturday I used a mantra (“I will wake up after my dreams and remember them vividly.”) while falling asleep. On Monday morning I woke up after my dreams, before my parent’s alarm even went off, but I couldn’t remember a single dream :cry: !
I spent a few minutes just lying in bed to no avail…
Then later while in the shower… 2.5 dreams suddenly came back to me! I made a few notes (Not in the shower lol).
Now today exactly the same thing happened, except my dreams didn’t come back at all :sad:

Anybody have any advice?

Well. Dream Recall is a thing that can be tough to master. It might take some time until you start remembering your dreams even when using DJ. You have to, like, use DJ daily, so that it becomes some kind of routine.

Then your Subconcious might notice it and you will remember dreams better.

I don’t really know it for sure but that’s my point of view.

Yeah but the strange thing is that I usually remember at least one dream in the morning, sometimes 2.

So you mean that my mind needs to get used to the idea of a DJ?

Well you are doing the right thing, you have got a DJ now. :yay:
Even with brilliant general recall it is possible to have the odd day when you don’t recall a dream. So I wouldn’t worry about one day with no recall.
You are doing everything right…
you are setting the intention to remember them
you are allowing yourself a little quiet time in bed before getting up
and then giving yourself some relaxing time in the shower to recall them.

my advice is just not to worry if you don’t remember dreams on one day :smile:

Wow I never knew I was doing so much right!

i don’t have dreams for a long time, you know :help: :cry:
what to do?

first of all, :welcome: to LD4all :content:

It’s important to remember that we have many dreams every night even if we don’t remember them.

  1. make it an habit to try to recapture your dreams as soon as you wake up
  2. before you go to sleep, set the intention that you WILL REMEMBER your dreams
  3. allow yourself time to just lie in bed when you first wake … as soon as you jump out of bed you are more likely to forget any dreams
  4. keep a notebook and pen by your bed and write down anything you get from your dreams …

that should start you remembering your dreams again :thumbs:

but sometimes the night just passes quickly without any images… i just sleep hard…

well in that case

  1. make sure you are getting enough sleep
  2. alter the time you wake up, you could just be waking at the wrong time of your sleep cycle. When I wake up during or just after REM, I don’t need to make the effort to recall the dream: whereas waking up at another time I can end up either with no recalled dreams or a big effort to recapture them.

i did not fully understand you, coz i am lithuanian, though…
well, i understood your 1, i think i sleep enough, except when i get up for school…

EDIT: ooooh, now i kinda get it… alter means to change… :smile: should i get up early, or late? does it affect my dreaming? (late for me is like 12:00 AM and early like 6:00 - 7:00 AM)