You also could try keeping a dream journal on a regular basis. Just a suggestion.
Also you can try waking up in the morning without moving at all and try to recall your dreams, reviewing them before you get up for the day. It usually works for me.
Thank you for the replies. I’ve read about the vitamin B and peppermint tea, And I’m gonna give them a try, I guess what I was asking is if aynone has any ideas as to why all of a sudden, ever sinceI have been researching LD’s, I have just stopped being able to remember my dreams?
Is it that I’m trying too hard, or I want it too much?
I think I should have been more clear in my first post (sorry)
Thought I would just post an update to my problem… After I posted that last message, I took a nap, and not only do I remember my dream, but it was lucid! ??
Who knows! it’s psychological. I must have like psyched myself out or something. ugh!
Also, DM7, I used to keep a dream journal years ago, every night! Then I just stopped, but you’re right, I should start one again.
Thanks everybody!
<-- hey! does he look like he’s saying “I want more” ?? (I think he’s talking about LD’s!) : )
For the past 2 weeks, my dream recall was at an impressive 0. I was losing hope. I mean, how can I use a dream journal to enhance my recall when I have nothing to write. Last nite I got sick. I went to bed at 10 and slept till 1. I took 2 tablets of nyquil. I woke up remembering approximately 7 dreams. 4 vivdly. Although none were lucid since I was too sick to put any effort into it in the evening. My head hurts too much to write them out but I have been going over them in my head until they became solid.
In other news, I found a girl in school who remembers like 8 vivid dreams a night for as long as she could remember. I keep trying to introduce her to Lucid Dreaming, but she keeps resisting out of fear or weirded outness. She just doesnt want to accept it. It would be a great loss for her to waste her gift. I’m lending her my LaBerge book tommorow. Any other tips?
IMO, writing them out is the best way to keep remembering them. Going over them is good, but they’ll be forgotten in a few days. And writing them down reinforces the idea in your mind to remember them in the first place. But whatever works for you…
I was thinking, that you should give your friend this website address, let her read up on it, and decide for herself if she’s interested. Some people just don’t like the idea of controlling their dreams (don’t ask me why! )
not that you shouldn’t try to introduce the idea to new people, you definitely should! I think everyone could benefit from LD-ing.
I tried to tell me brother about it today, and he told me it’s impossible to control your dreams! I just left it at that.
I gave her my laberge book today and she seemed quite interested. She is the kind of person that gets embarrassed or shies away from the supernatural. We’ll see what happens ^_^.
I’ve found writing down as much as possible about my dreams helps a lot, every detail however small it is. The other night I had a lucid dream, not a successful one coz I wasn’t thinking clearly so I wrote down the things I was doing wrong and then last night I had another lucid dream and remembered not to make the mistakes.
Reading, writing, thinking about dreams just before bed always helps.
LSD greatly increased my dream recall, nut i’m not ADVISING anyone to use it… I get the feeling that regular excercise might help more, i’ll have to try that.
Yes, writing down every detail is very helpful in remembering dreams. ANother excellent reason for doing it is that when your checking for dreamsigns you won’t miss any subtle inner awarness ones. You should eventually be able to just remind yourself to remember your dreams, and you will wake up and remember them.
It’s strange that a short note in DD makes you able to recall entire dream, even from middle of the night. I think it’s not because of writing or storing your dreams, but of NAMING it.
When you wake up, you have nothing that lead you to the dream, nothing associated with it. So you can think about it for some time, but after next REM stages it’s gone. I’ve found that I can remember my dream pretty well if I try to DESCRIBE it in words, or just think some key-words - by doing that, I just get something linked to my dream, something I can “hold”.
Anyone having similar experiences?
yep even just a small note helps dream recall
i had a funny thing happen yesterday i couldnt remember any dreams that night and in the morning picking up the phone triggered a dream from that night in which i was talking on the phone
Yeah it happens a lot A few days ago I thought of a friend I needed to visit and immediately recalled a dream concerning him. Afterwards, I thought about driving to his house and bam! Recalled another dream about driving.