the BIG riddle topic [part VII]

Oops sorry, Siiw… I didn’t realize it. :sad:

And of course, you’re right about the bow and arrow riddle. (Knew it was too easy…)

Want to take on the next one? :content:

sorry siiw, i didn’t realise that’s what you were trying to say.

here it might be easier to see:
[ ][ ][ ][ ][i][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][i][ ]
[i][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][i][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][i]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][i][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][i][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][i][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
but in notation:
e1, g2,a3,c4,h5,f6,d7,b8


Wow… that was fast. I thought it’d take at least more time for someone to solve this. You’re good… :content:

Was it too easy?

(Better try and take it up a notch… :tongue: )

I don’t know, maybe it was a lucky guess, i just started picking squares and i found myself with something that worked.
And yes, i would like you to take it up a notch, this is fun.


/me is secretly worried since he has already given his best riddles. How can he take it up a notch now?

Ahem… well. I’m still thinking of harder ones for the moment but enjoy yourselves first with an easy one.

The day before yesterday, I was fifteen. Next year, I will be eighteen. How is this possible?

That one is pretty easy, so i’ll let someone else have a go until there are more difficult ones. And did you think of those riddles? Congratulations if you did.

No… :shy:

They were riddles that I remember. Some were riddles asked by people I knew, some where riddles I read. I still answered them when I first encountered them, of course :happy:

Hehe, That’s an easy riddle. Still fun though. I’ll pm you the answer just to make sure I’m right. I have a similar one that’s also not too hard. I’ll post it later.

Edit: I don’t really like it when I fail to realise there are more pages in the topic.

Its january 1st and your 16th birthday was yesterday, the 31st december. This year you will be 17 and next year you will be 18. :grin:

(Too easy, huh?)

Ok… a bit harder now.

. ======

If each letter stands for a number… then what does each letter stand for?

M = 1 (Because it’s carried)
S = 9 (To add to 0 and carry one)
O = 0 (Because one is taken)
N = E + 1
D + E Must carry otherwise no way to work out D and Y
R = 8 (So N + R + 1 = N - 1 + carry)
E > 4 because Y > 1
E = 5
N = 6
D = 7
Y = 2

Oops, I forgot about the thread… Sorry.

Anyway, Inch is absolutely correct :thumbs:. Nice explanations BTW. :happy:

I’ll post more riddles later when I get the time.

I have a riddle.

4 guys are caught by some bad guys and will die if they can’t prove themselves smart enough. Here’s the setup. They’re buried on a beach to their heads in sand and will drown when the tide comes in if no-one can work out the hat he is wearing.
o = person wearing black hat.
0 = person wearing white hat.
| = wall.

o | O o O

Everyone is looking toward the wall and they can only see the hats of those ahead of them and cannot in anyway see through the wall.

Each person knows that there are two black hats and two white hats.

After 10 minutes or so one person says what colour hat is on his head. Who is it and how did he work it out?

Not all that hard. If there is anything you are unsure about just ask. I might not have done a good job at wording it.

(Numbering the guys 1, 2, 3 and 4 from left to right.)

Mr. 3 found out that he had a black hat since he could see ahead of him, Mr. 2, wearing a white hat and Mr. 4 had not said anything for a long time.

If he, Mr.3, was wearing a white hat also, then Mr. 4 should have easily solved it by saying he had a black hat since he (Mr. 4) could see two white hats and thus he should have surmised that he and Mr. 1 wore black hats.

Since Mr. 4 did not say anything for a long time, it dawned on Mr. 3 that he probably had a black hat since Mr. 4 couldn’t solve it.

does this mean they are working out what colour their own hat is, or the person on the other side of the wall?
Can these people speak to each other?
If they need to know the colour of the hat on the person on the other side of the wall then the last person can see the colour of his own hat and the 2 in front and can then work out what colour the other is.
or maybe the wall is a mirror
also maybe they see a reflection on the water of their own hat and say it.

They have to work our the colour of the hat on their own hat.

They aren’t allowed to speak to each other.

The wall isn’t a mirror, and they can’t see any reflections anywhere.

They can’t in anyway see their own hat.

Edit: Oops, silly me again, Defiance has already gotten it right.

sorry, i must have been posting mine when defiance was posting his

Lets start again…

I draw on the blackboard with my chalk a straight line 1 meter long. Now, without erasing or doing anthing else to the line itself, I want you to make it a shorter line. How can you do this?

Here’s another very easy one.

At the beginning of the time we were sending people to space, we instantly found out that it was extremely difficult to make notes in outer space since there was no gravity there and thus the ink of a pen doesn’t flow downward. At once we tried to research ways to overcome this setback of the pen, after all, people still needed to make handwritten notes there. What was the simplest idea that overcame this obstacle?

use a pencil! and maybe you could make the blackboard shorter?

First answer is correct, Siiw (or can I call you Siw?). :ok: Congratulations. :content:

(…Second answer is wrong though. :sad: Keep on it. I’m sure you’ll get it. :content: )