the BIG riddle topic [part VII]

Let me feel smart sometimes :angry: Hehe

Riddles currently unanswered:

And I add another pretty easy riddle of sorts…

You have an 8 gallon jug full of water plus a 5 gallon jug and 3 gallon jug.

Now, using these jugs, you must divide the water in the 8 gallon jug equally into two jugs… so 4 gallons of water on one jug and another 4 gallons of water on another jug. You cannot approximate.

I am thinking about the other two…

8 - 5 - 3 (this is how many gallon er can be in the jug
8 - 0 - 0 (first you have all in one jug)
5 - 0 - 3 (you put 3 gallon in the smallest jug)
5 - 3 - 0 (you put the 3 gallon from the smalleg jug to the medium jug)
2 - 3 - 3 (you put 3 gallon from the biggest jug to the smallest jug)
2 - 5 - 1 (you put 2 gallon from the smallest jug to the medium jug)
7 - 0 - 1 (you put 5 gallon from the medium jug to the biggest jug)
7 - 1 - 0 (you put the 1 gallon from the smallest to the medium jug)
4 - 1 - 3 (you put 3 gallon from the biggest to the smallest jug)
4 - 4 - 0 (you put the 3 gallon from the smallest jug to the medium jug)

Now you have two jugs with both 4 gallon.

NIcely done, Sandra. :content: Its correct of course.

If you are looking for a mathematical proof then it could be done it vampires don’t die, but if they do die then one could bite only one other every week and then the original one could die, so at most you’d only ever have 2 vampires on the earth.
If they don’t die then we would all be vampires by now.

Correct, alex. (It is a mathematical riddle. If the vampires don’t die, then in 33 weeks, the whole world would have been vampires.)

Another Math riddle:
(a-x)(b-x)(c-x)(d-x)…(z-x) = ?

What is the answer to the equation above? The “…” means the rest of the alphabet.

=0 (after a little thinking about it and then realising oh yeah there’s an (x-x) in there :smile:)

Try guessing this:

I carry two sockets near the handle. I do not slice, but I slash in two. I am as oversized as no weapon are. I am the initial equipping.

What am I?

That must be the buster sword, or whatever Cloud’s first sword in ff7 is called?

Yeah! The Buster Sword! Alternatively “Materia Blade” (Reffering to Final Fantasy Tactics, where you can unlock Cloud there and find his blade.)

this is kind of a stupid riddle and when i was little it took me so long to understand :tongue:

there are only 2 hairdressers in town. One has always messy hair, the other one has a perfect haircut. Which one will you go to?

the one with messy hair … the one with perfect haircut would have had it cut by the other hairdresser :tongue:

I’d go for the guy with the messy hair.

Reason: People tend to lure customers’ big money for a bad haircut, so I go for the un-obvious solution.

Nah, Moogle had it right - I’ve heard that one before! :content:

I remember that from a looooooooong time ago. Wonderful! :content:

A man was born in 1955. He’s alive and well today at age 33. How is this possible?

I have to assume that 1955 doesn’t represent the year. Was it the name of the town that he was born in? Or the room number of the hospital?

Room number, you got it. :grin:

I am a tool. You need parts looted from enemies to use me. You auction my results away.

What am I?

yes moogle :content: well done :grin:

This is a repost of a -imo- great riddle. Don’t look for the original post because it’s lost in the september 03 server breakdown (otherwise I wouldn’t post it again :wink: ).

[i]A bishop and a priest are sitting together. The priest: “there are three people in the church. The age of these three people multiplied is 2450. The three ages added is your age. how old are they?” The bishop: “that is not clear.” The priest: “noone of them is older than me.” The bishop: “ah, now i know how old they are.”

How old are these three people? (so in total there are 5 people: the priest, the bishop and people A, B and C)[/i]

PS. Those who remember this riddle: ssshhhhhhhh!