the BIG riddle topic [part VIII]

I am an ever changing mirror
I take life from the source
To where it needs to be delivered
I always run my course

What is me?

A river?

that it be.

A red maiden, lives in a narrow lane
In the winter she is short, in the summer she is long

Translated from a riddle haiku. What is she?

A rose? Or a plant?

Good try, but no. Neither a rose nor a plant live in a narrow lane.

Hint: it’s related to temperature…

Thermometers? Probably not but ^^;;;

[i] I’m worn around the limb of those who prefer it the least,
I’m often looked at but rarely noticed,
I serve neutrally as a source of vital information,
Every single day.

What am I? [/i]

A watch :smile: ?

Right you are, himebanana. A wrist watch.

You are given 12 balls. All of them are of equal weight except one. One ball is either lighter or heavier than the others, you don’t know which. You are given the task of finding this ball. You are given a scale to help you in your task but you may only use it 3 times.

How are you supposed to find the ball that has a different weight than the others?

What kind of scale. One that will weigh something against something else, or one that will give you a number for it’s weight?

Wow this is hard… I feel like I’ve seen this before, but could never solve it. (And I’m assuming this is the kind of scale that weighs 2 groups with each other…)

This is all I got so far. You seperate the balls to 3 groups.

(1) Weigh group 1 w/ group 2. If they are the same then you know the odd ball is in group 3. (2) Weigh 3 balls in group 3 with 3 balls from group 1 or group 2.

If the balls weigh the same then its the odd ball out. If they are different then (3) weigh 2 of the balls from the 3 in your odd group out. If those weigh the same then its your odd ball out of your odd group. If they weigh different, then one of those is your odd ball.

I don’t know the answer for if group 1 and group 2 weigh different… and I hope my explanation wasn’t too confusing.

(And yes himebanana, the answer to that riddle haiku is a thermometer)

How’d you know which one?

And, yes, the scale is the one where you compare weights of objects.

(lol, I don’t know the ball and scale question…kinda difficult… So everyone continue with that riddle but I’m going to share one of my own.)

Three cowboys were riding through the desert and they came upon a valley. Down in the valley a man had a noose around his neck standing on a rickety old sign that says, “Life.”

The cowboy in the middle of the three began to speak…

He said, “Brothers and sisters I have none, but that man’s father is my father’s son.”

How are the cowboy and the man in the noose related?

The cowboy is the father of the man, I suppose.

The man talking is talking about himself. :smile:

Alvin wrote:

I suppose so… :eh:

I think it’s the same guy:

I have no brother’s or sisters, but this man’s father is MY father’s son. he has no brothers, so… I dunno, ne?

No…lol Alvin is right. It’s his son.

look at it like this…

That man’s father (points to himself) is my father’s (lets say the cowboy on his left is his father, and he points to him.) son (and he points back to himself).

finally a part IX click for even more riddles :moogle: