The BIG sleep paralysis and old hag topic Part II

Yes, but I think that the SP they talk about is not the dumbness you feel when you fall asleep (unless you have the SP trouble and thus SP episodes when you fall asleep, like Julian D. Iron).

I asked the question there: WILD, do you really have sleep paralysis. This thread got very few answers so that I suppose that people really feeling complete paralysis during WILD are very few. It seems that Xetrov and Popov agree with me. Moreover, WILD HH are quite different from SP trouble HH. In WILD, you see them in front of your eyes. In a few severe cases of SP trouble, it looks more like a LD, you sometimes see your bedroom and someone inside.

So I would like to stop this (silly?) confusion between the Olg Hag syndrome, i.e. the sleep paralysis trouble with severe hallucinations and what you can experience during WILD.