the cheapest, easiest to build dream goggles EVER!

ok, but all the tutorials Ive ever seen require you to input your own code and hack your own electrical timer together yourself ( and then solder the chip and wires and LEDs and resistors and a whole lotta stuff I have no experience in… If there was a small timer that you could control with a switch instead of having to hack it together yourself I would buy it…if you know of one please link me!

Basically, I have the right LEDs /resistors, coincell battery holder and battery/ breadboard to test/ T.I. launchpad msp430/etc.
But the C code is giving us anomolies(both the code that came with the launchpad and the code I got from the net tutorial.
I figured if I could PM a coder, they might be able to tell me the (probably simple) problem with the code. Then I could get my friend to solder the shit out of that baby and I’d be away.

B … ask_for_3/ If I recall, this includes no coding. The guy also has the deepest voice I have ever heard :tongue:

I have a wealth of programming and electronics expertise. Can I be of any assistance? I have also been considering putting together my own lucid dreaming headset, so it wouldn’t be any trouble for me to lend a hand.

Edit: Holy eggnog, I didn’t even read the part about you owning a Launchpad. My buddy gave me one for Christmas a while back and I haven’t gotten around to using it for anything. Was just considering trying to build an LD mask with it about a week ago. We should totally collab on this. What do you need help with? I’m definitely going to clean out enough space on my Windows partition to install the awful TI devkit.

(BTW, if you’re not programming-saavy, you probably should’ve gone with the handy dandyArduino. It’s much more intuitive to use. Just sayin’. I wish I knew where I put mine…)

Fantastic! Lets put our heads together and see if we can sort this thing out. But at the same time, no pressure…if it’s a headwreck trying to do it over the internet and not face to face just let me know, its cool.

If im correct, ive done the hard part…as in getting all the LEDs and resistors and the launchpad and the code etc. But the code doesnt work. Not the code form T.I. or from the internet tutorial. I am using code composer studio 5 which T.I. recommends. The problem is the avr header files. The IDE (Code Composer Studio) is highlighting them all as errors with the line: Unresolved inclusion <avr/io.h>.
the .hex file that came as part of the instructions from the lucid Dream site tutorial ( … m-Machine/). Where should this .hex go? Is it needed at all?

Look, perhaps PM me and we can talk easier and quicker. I have a friend who is learning computer science so together we should be able to figure it out over the net. Also, I am studying web design and javascript so if your instructions are clear I should be ok to try things myself.
I have a couple of friends who recently told me they know how to solder, so that part shouldnt be a bother either.

Many thanks,
already from coming back onto LD4ALL and talking with people about dreaming I have had many vivid dreams the past 3 nights, alas no LD yet.


ps I have seen that video with teh guy with the deep voice around for a few years now. I think I didnt try it cos it was plugged into the mains or something.

pps. If you want, I can give you the shopping list those tech-guys told me to buy. As in, exactly what type of resistor to buy etc…‘300 ohm’. If its any help to you.

i have no programming knowledge whatsoever so i don’t think i could do this unless it was extremely simple to learn. it sounds interesting though i might try it sometime, although is it possible to instead of having lights flashing have a beeping noise in headphones instead to induce lucidity? i wonder how that could be made…hmmm.

but this looks like it might work, i could try it sometime when i get the materials, but i don’t have a printer, at least not in my room, also it would be nice to be able to use it without hooking it up to a computer (or laptop in my case), could this work independently from a laptop or computer?

overall this looks really neat, nice job on it.

Why do you need it to work independently from a laptop or computer? It could be done, but using a laptop/computer/phone/gaming device/whatever seems a whole lot easier than designing something to essentially act as a fancy alarm. Just wondering.

I’ve had a few LD’S in my time but wanted to make it easier and refuse to pay the hideously expensive prices of novadreamer. I’m pretty new at electronics but recently bought an Arduino Uno and am going to try to make my own version. If people want to look at the EXACT design of the LaBerge novadreamer though, the patent is Here.

It’s what I’m going to base my design on :cool:

Hello dreamers, I build the kvasar project but it didn’t work, I used the IS489 photosensor and 2 different NPN ( bc547b and 2n3704 both are general purpose transistors). When I switch the mask on, no sound comes from the headphone, the control led doesn’t light, and the photosensor heat up very fast (impossible to touch). I am pretty sure that there is no mistake in the building, but I am not sure for the programming of the pic. I got a 16f84 pic and a very cheap eeprom-pic programmer from eb.y, when I try to write the hex file with ponyprog I get and error message (write failed), I tried with Icprog but it was crashing all the time. But when I read the pic, it’s the same as the hex file (with Winpic800, there was no error message). I really don’t know what is the problem, can somebody help me?