The Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster

Yay!! I am so happy i’m not alone. :razz:

I thought everyone would think I was weird for posting it. lol

Well where I live, more people are pastafarians than Buddhists. :content:


Insane does not fits in the situation… Such a small word…

Hey, did you see the graph? It’s accurate. lol

[mod]merged into existing flying spagettimonster topic. :wink:[/mod]

Heres a fun thing to try…

Go to google and type in this:

“Creator of the Universe” (without the quotation marks)

Look at the #1 result :wink:

It works with the quotes, too.

I want one of the shirts!!! :happy:

What very few people know is that I was a pirate in several of my past lives; it’s all true. :gni: Overall, this sounds like a well rounded belief system. I’d like to take a shot at it. :tongue:

Some teachers on a school complained they can’t teach history, because that would be the opposite of the believing in Christianity (which needs to be taught) and then this guy said if these crazy people can say this, I wanna have all schools to teach about the flying spaghetti monster. It’s true.

It is true, if christian beliefs are going to be taught in a science class, it would only be fair to include everyone else’s, right? Luckily science isn’t about faith, it’s about observing and testing things to learn how they work :yes: …careful observation of global temperatures and the number of pirates on earth will reveal our noodly master as the one true god anyway :tongue:


Everytime i go to that site i just laugh so hard. Who would even think of that!

That’s the meaning of this whole spaghetti monster thing.

OH MY GOD I HAD NO IDEA THIS PAGE WAS HERE im a pastafarian and ive been touched by his noodily appendage RAmen