The coolest thing ever, the DREAMBREAKER!

Hey chill out dude, noone meant any offence, ppl are just edgy sometimes, plus you know you cant really put the feeling (eg sarcasm etc) you would normally use into writing…so dont take anything that badly, and if anyone pisses you off, then just ignore em…btw, nightcrawler is better in comic or cartoon form than in the film, and he isnt the best, second best yeah lol, rogue is third, cyclops is first, but out of next gen, yeah nc is best lol…anyway, had a dream about x men the other day, and they were arguing over the spelling of their names, and rogue said something about being too young to take things seriously and i punched her…you guys came straight out of my dream! :grin:

Woa… that is so cool! I wanna do stuff like that in my dreams/LDs. But I’m not good enough yet ;_;

I’m a huge sci-fi/fantasy fan and being able to wield amazing weapons and magic is so on my things to do in an LD list :happy:

Wow, that’s pretty creative. :slight_smile: Remember everything you see in a dream is a creation of your own mind, so being able to think of a dream bleeding, and being able to slice fear… that’s really cool! :happy:

I don’t know… when I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever killed anyone in my dream by my own hands. So why do you feel like murdering people in an LD? (Sorry if that sounded offensive, I’m just interested!) I mean, it’s not something you hear about often - on the lists of ‘what would i like to do in an LD’ mass murder isn’t a common item. :o

I suppose it’s the feeling of power? ^^ Just don’t start doing that kind of thing IRL you know :wink: