The FILD tech (was HILD) part III

everytime i try this i just drift off to sleep. even if i get up for a minute or two i try to sleep with the finger tapping but i just doze off. any suggestions? thanks for your help :happy:

Just adding this in, a good way to do this is to put a piece of paper on your alarm clock that says FILD NOW! Then put the alarm clock 5-6 feet away from your bed.When you wake up, you’ll be pissed at your alarm clock, but when you get up to turn it off, you’ll see the note. If the clock is right next to your bed, you probably wont look at it.

this technique is awesome.

i tried it last night–FOUR times :razz:–and i failed each and every one, because i kept falling asleep. at least i know what time i need to wake up at…

although, this did help me have a ND, and i remember most of it…something about locking my dad out of the neighbor’s house, him throwing me into a tree house, and my dog having the head of a t-rex. what a mix, right?

i’m going to try again tonight, but i will concentrate more. i wanna have my first LD so that i can swim with stingrays! ^^ [current life dream xP]

I tried this technique a couple times, but only got it too work once because I kept thinking “No, I’m not asleep” so then I wouldn’t do a RC. But, i think it is a great technique cause it works well and you don’t have to do anything ahead of time, like trying to do RCs all day :content:

Quick question about FILD.

Ok, so what I do is lay down in a comfortable position, then start moving my index and middle finger very gently, optionally imagining myself playing a piano or bass with those fingers. If that’s wrong then, well, I’ve been doing this wrong the last 3 days. After doing this for about 2-3 minutes my fingers feel REALLY heavy and I can’t move them as far up. I keep doing this, and then eventually I get distracted and give up.

So my questions are:

  1. Is it good that my hands got all heavy and unmovable?
  2. How long should it take to enter the dream?
  3. Do I have to lay in a specific position? (such as on my back or stomach?)
  4. Is there an RC I can do without moving just in case I’m not dreaming?


You are supposed to do FILD after having been asleep.

and then do a RC

Just read the first definitive post.
[Hargart's Induction Technique Log (HILD))

Oh I see, thanks moogle. Do I REALLY have to have sleeped or can I just be drowsy?

Have slept or REALLY tired would work. It’s a good tech to use when you are tired, it takes hardly any time and so doesn’t keep you awake like WILD can.

OK cool I’ll be sure to try it tonight/tommorow morning. The reason I can’t sleep and wake up is because I don’t fall asleep until around 4AM… So I can’t WBTB…


i think i was almost there.

i woke up at five in the morning, turned off the alarm, then went back into bed. i was really tired at this point because i am a human who loves to sleep. after five minutes of being in my bed, i felt like i was about to be KO’ed, so i moved my fingers for a while

but i fell asleep. :razz: i think i got close, because when i woke up, i think i dreamed about moving my fingers.

will try again tonight ^^.

Hey Crooked, it worked for me last night. I was still moving my fingers and I opened my eyes and I was in a mall, so I thought to myself, “this can’t be right…” and I realized I was dreaming and had my first fully LD! So yes, you should definately try again. The trick is to do an RC as soon as your leg or hand or any other body part starts tingling (or at least it is for me) because this means (like I said, for me. It might be different for other people) that you are probably in a dream or very close to entering one. With FILD, you rarely feel your self enter the dream because you are laying there completely relaxed twiddling your fingers, then there’s this really small lapse in time, and for me a white flash of light, and then you will almost always be dreaming about moving your fingers so the timed :rc:'s are critical.

Good Luck!

lol, awesome! so, do a RC as soon as i get a tingling anywhere on my body? i will definitely try again tonight. thanks ^^.

except i’m sleeping at a friend’s house, meaning no alarm clock, meaning i will have to rely on my DC’s [Bobby and Jack] to wake me around five in the morning…Bobby isn’t really helpful [Bobby: You know I can read what you’re typing, right? D:<], and Jack falls asleep easily, so i’m out of luck.

if i sleep without my socks on, maybe my feet will get cold, so maybe i’ll wake up early in the morning…:happy:

off-topicness. i will try again tonight. i really want to meet Bobby and Jack. :sad:

You don’t HAVE to have slept already. You can just be very very tired and very relaxed and it will work just as good. To relax, I do the tense-and-relax tech (and sometimes the 61-point) and then listen to a meditation isochronic tone recording, and I move my fingers and I guess it just happens. I generally see a white flash and get a tingling sensation and then I’m usually somewhere else entirely so I just realze (RC-less) thatI’m dreaming. If you ‘wake up’ in your bed then definately do an RC a good one to do is the finger through your palm, and the nose/breathing one. Happy Dreaming!

P.S. I want to meet Bobby and Jack too now lol.

Bobby: I feel famous ^^;

Jack: That’s very nice of you. :grin:

i will definitely try tonight. i took a break from trying to LD, and, wouldn’t you know it, every single day last week, i had very vivid ND’s, and i can remember most of them. if i could just stop falling asleep so easily, this would be a whole lot easier.

curse my laziness. ><

This seems like a good technique for me to try on the weekend. I use different techniques depending on what time I have to get up and I will definitely add this one to the list.

Here is pretty much the LDing schedual I follow

  1. Normal waking time for week days (6:00-6:30 AM) - MILD/daily RC’s and such
  2. Weekend, but I have to get up for something (7:00-11:00 AM) - WBTB + MILD
  3. Whatever time I want (whenever-whenever) - WBTB + WILD (no success yet, but I am getting closer!) or (as of now) HILD
  4. Afternoon nap - WILD

Whenever I can sleep in as late as I want and don’t feel like doing WILD that night I usually follow this routine of waking up
wakes up and looks at clock 6:00 AM
too early, closes eyes for a few seconds and opens them again 9:00 AM
still a bit tired and closes eyes again for a few minutes 10:00 AM
decides to rest eyes a little longer 2:00 PM “CRAP!” :tongue:

when ever i try this, i wake up really tired, but after i turn off my alarm clock and ly down, i start to tap my fingers, but i always loose conciousness. any tips for keeping your mind awake?

i have the same problem. i don’t really know what to do…o_o;

i think i almost got it! this morning, i woke up at eight and was seriously still tired, so i went back to bed, moving my fingers. i did that for about ten seconds, and then i fell asleep. ;-;

but then i had a dream that i was in gym, at school. i’m like, “wait, this can’t be right…”. but i wasn’t lucid, because i didn’t realize i was dreaming. i said out loud, “i want to go to bed!” and a bed appeared. and then my old gym teacher jumped on it and said he was going to do a really inappropriate dance, so i was like, “HECK no!” and i woke up.

kinda freaky, but i’m almost there. o_o;

I’ve been trying this for 2 nights now, last night it almost worked for me. I fell into a very vivid dream… well, a nightmare actually :eek: It only lasted for a few seconds before the events of the dream shot me out of it.

If I had been doing RC’s as constantly as I should have I’m quite sure it would have resulted in a LD.

well i think im going to try this one tonight, a question though when you do a RC do you actually move and hands and stuff? Does it feel like you are awake still but actually in a dream?

ha. it almost worked. i hate it when i feel wide awake, and then two seconds later, i’m out. maybe i should wake up a bit later, i’m usually tired around 5-6, as opposed to four in the morning. :grin:

so, i didn’t go lucid, but i had the best dream. ever. seriously. it actually felt like i was pulling his hair. o_o;

i’m definitely going to try again tonight. forget school! :tongue: