During the first time I had any success I felt, in control.
[I managed to get to falling sensations etc.]
Perhaps this is where I’m going wrong, trying to control.
Being aware was probably what I was feeling.
A mix of trying to control and the fact I feel excited that I
might do it again is probably stopping me LD-ing and causing
me to eventually fall into an ND.
I’ll try to be aware without effecting the proccess next time, thanks.
I found my eyes were opening too. After passing a certain
point, sortof halfway though Hypnogogic imagry, my eyes
seemed to tense themselves and stayed shut.
im kinda stuck at the moment also isnt there any way to get to the Hypnagogic state faster? because when i try to WILD i get desperate quickly, its hard for me to just stay there for hours
you could always drink some Nyquil or take a Benadrill probably not a good idea but hey if you happen to have a snotty throat then i would give it a shot also try WBTB i achieved a sort of half WILD using that
Just had to post again to say, Ionflux you were right.
By just trying to stay aware rather than control I managed
to get to HI quite quickly. I then prompty fell asleep.
Shadow Knight:
If you’re lying there for hours it sounds to me like you might
not be clearing your mind, have you tried meditating.
I find that an effective way to do that is when you hear a
thought just hear it get quieter until you can’t hear it anymore.
“i tried rolling out of body” <=That is a OOBE technic, from what I know. I think you should try to stop thinking about anything (easier said than done), then you should fall asleep and still have your conscious.
The only problem with doing this is that you might go into hyperventilation and have a funny ant-like sensation on your teeth, then it would be really hard to go to sleep…
There is no reason to do it unless you have problems with breathing right. And even then, it should still resemble calm breathing, not hyperventilation.
For me, it seems best to not really try to do anything at all. I just go with the flow, much like leaning back and watching a movie, but still staying aware of what happens.
If I try stuff like rolling out of my body, spinning, or visualizing things, I will very likely just wake up.
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