The Lucid Capital

I really really hope you meet Ms. Fairglow again… :content:
Excellent work, keep at it!

P.S he said he had a shared dream, so he did, regardless of what others say!

P.P.S I’m jealous :razz:

What is the latest on The Lucid Capital. I just want to find out because we havent heard anything lately. On this other site they have all this info on a place called astral pulse island maybe you should check out. Maybe we should just try and concentrate on The Lucid Capital. The link is pretty cool though.

My ld’s only last 5-10 minutes at average…You’re so lucky :tongue:

I want to go there to! Seems like a great place :wink:

Sorry all,

So far I havent had any more dreams of the lucid capital. Between work and classes I cant even say I had a LD lately even to speak of. Oh well, my LDs will return, when I least expect them too so I’m not too worried :content:

That’s pretty sweet, man. I had two friends that were best friends. They woke up within seconds and both had the same nightmare flash into their head at the same time. Any significance? Definately something I will invest further into once I build my “clientelle” up. I’ll try to remember next time I’m lucid.

awesome dream recall dude! i wish my one was just like 50% of it lol ^^
so either you are extremely motivated, very lucky or just a person walking through life always being aware :wink:

um and conrats for that great ld! :content:

Yeah but this place is for OBE and not LD.

Anyone have any news on the Lucid Capital front?

either it is, or it isnt. who cares? lemme explain:

if shared dreaming is real, then we can actually interact with people in a fantasy world that we can shape as we wish, like gods :content:

if shared dreaming isnt real, then the whole thing is created by our mind, and what we expect/want is what we get. in other words, our mind can make the perfect soulmate for us :content:

so lets not get caught up in the details about wether or not this is shared dreaming or not, cause in my mind, it doesnt matter. what does matter, is that we try to experience this for ourselves. i know i want to :content:

oh yeah. gratz on the cool dream Weasel. this one will be remembered for a looong time :cool:

Let’s just problemitize the issue a little more. Assuming for the moment that shared dreaming is possible, there is nothing to guarantee that both parties are going to have equal dream recall. Even the most skilled oieronauts forget dreams sometimes.

With all dream issues, while it may be possible to prove something is real, it is impossible to determine that it is universally impossible. At best you can confirm that at a given time, certain individuals haven’t been able to demonstrate it.


I don’t believe i have ever been there, however i have visited the Lucid crossroads many times, its a great place, and there are alot of friendly green people there

when the crossroads were created i noe that there were some doors left so that they could be made to go to new places such as this that would be created. (in the crossroads there is a place with doors that leads to otehr dream places) Possibly a door could be set up there that could lead to this place. That would be awesome!!!

You probably got dream-herpes from that chick… She sounds trampy…

I wanna find her now :happy:

some crazy dream man :panic:

I’m gonna look for this place! :happy:

Hey man

That seems amazing, cant wait to do it myself.


I’ll will try to get to the Lucid Capital. Oh, and if you ever get there again, tell us! :happy:

Wow. I only just discoverd this dream, Weasel.

Wonderful retelling too. What a journey!
