The Lucid Wishing Well

I want to rewish everything, especially my literal dream girl in the red dress and the one about the jell-o shots and uzo. :sad: :grrr: :shy:

k I’ll try again

I wish to be a better LDer than Laberge, Pedro, And Lucidity_master put together.

:smile: :smile:

that outta do it :smile:

I use the power of all 3 wishes to make a giant superwish.

All I wish for is the ability to recognize I am dreaming and become lucid at least once per night. :smile:

Please work!!! :cry:

I wish for deep, relaxing sleep, full of pleasant lucid dreams… :moon:

I wish for all forum members that never had a lucid dream,
they get there first lucid experience soon! :beer:

go go smilie :smile:

I wish for perfect dream recall.
I wish for amazing, beautiful dreams.
I wish to be able to LD whenever I want to, with any method I choose.

Here goes my favourite smiley down the well :grin:

I wish for long vivid LD
I wish for total control in LD
I wish to masterize induction techniques
:yinyang: :om: :sleep:

I wish to get better dream recall, to have long LDS, and to get my first LD today. :smile:


  1. I wish to have my first lucid dream tonight
  2. That i will remember all of it
  3. And that it will be the most incredible dream ever!!

farewell smiley :spinning: safe journey down the well

My turn! :happy:

I wish I have an LD tonight, and I remember every single part of it, and I remember normal dreams better too.

I wish I had at least one lucid dream every night I want to, I wish this dream was long and vivid, I wish my parents didn’t think lucid dreaming is bad for brain!
Hey, little thing, I hope the fairy likes sycophancy… :bow:

I wish for more lucid dreams (duh), more STABLE lucid dreams ^^ and finally better dream recall. :content:

throw my smiley down the well and hopes for it to make my wishes come true. fly safely and fast. :angel_fly:

I wish to reach lucidity (I haven’t been lucid yet).
I wish to have a lot of long, stable, vivid lucid dreams.
I wish to have better dream recall.

throws in smiley :cool:

I wish I could have a Lucid Dream at least once a week.
I wish my dream recall would be sugnificantly better.
I wish Basilus’s method will work for me.

             :mrgreen_hat:  :grin:  :smile:

I wish to have 5 dreams tonight
I wish to be lucid in each of said dreams
I wish thhat eating 2 bananas before bed, as I plan to do, will actually work(tryptophan I believe is contianed in them)

I will send an army of smilies to convey my message!
:cool_laugh: :cool_laugh: :cool_laugh: :cool_laugh: :cool_laugh: :cool_laugh: :cool_laugh: :cool_laugh: :cool_laugh: :cool_laugh: :cool_laugh: :cool_laugh:

i wish nice, peaceful, lucid dreams to all of you :cool:

It worked! :happy: :cool_laugh: :bounce: :thumbs:
Certainly, I do not have a lucid dream every night… But I had three lucid dreams in six days.
Not bad, I think, especially for me! And even when I have no lucid dreams one night, I have then at least one dream worth remembering. It is already quite a little… :grin:
The funniest thing is that it worked even with the third wish. Mom had a lucid dream and said it is cool. Really! Is it just a coincidence or…? :om:

I wish for the ability to have an enormous amount of dream recall
I wish to be able to be WILD at anytime i want to
I wish i have complete full control over all my dreams if i choosed to
smiley: :smile:

I wish for the Lucid Smiley fairy to come and grant me maximum lucidity while I am sleeping!

:cool: :tongue: :content: