I’ve kept a DJ for a few weeks now (since april 23), but I don’t get the feeling that it’s improving my DR… When my alarm clock wakes me up, I can “feel” that there’s still a dream in my mind, but it’s so hard to “capture” it. Sometimes I try thinking about school, or friends and it’ll bring back that same feeling, but I have to be very lucky to actually be able to grasp the dream then.
I’m often pretty detailed when recording dreams, so I just don’t get why this isn’t working out.
And I usually just remember lots and lots of fragments. It’s so frustrating!
You have to still grab your dream journal and write what you “feel” ! Even if you feel “I feel like I don’t remember anything” <then write that down too! Earlier today, I wrote down, “I"m trying to remember what I dreamed of.” and yes, a minute later, some 'fragments" came to the surface. I wrote down those fragments, and guess what, the details then followed.
So do write down the ‘fragments’ too! No matter what, just write in your dream journal every time you wake up, no matter what it is. Your subconscious will start to see that writing dreams in your DJ is so important that it will start to do what it can to make you remember more and more so that it can be happy to write in the DJ.
I’m speaking from experience here. Please don’t give up. Feel happy about your DJ. Have faith in it and it will prove itself back to you.
Remember: too much isn’t always beneficial. For some people, they can write long, detailed dreams every morning, but for others that is nearly impossible. You’re obviously one of those people, so here’s my advice: don’t overdo it. On the first morning, you’ll most likely wake up feeling motivated to write in you DJ. You’ll probably end up recording your dream down to the last detail, using pages and pages of your DJ. Then the second night, you’ll write less. And after that you’ll just start getting lazy. The reason is because you’ve had the motivation to write so much on the first day, but after that you’ve lost that motivation, and so you won’t want to write as much.
So, just write the main details. Tell the whole dream with good detail, but don’t include all the tiny little minor details that don’t matter. Then, keep thinking about the dream and about all the minor details. This way, you won’t get tired of writing so much.
Another idea to keep you motivated is to plan your dreams. Before bed, jot down notes on what you want to dream of. Then, in the morning, compare your dreams to the one you’ve planned out. If it matches in any way, reward yourself. An idea of a reward is to give yourself some extra sleep. Set your alarm a little bit earlier than usual (10-90 min. should do, but the longer the better (as long as you get enough sleep)). If your dream matches in any way, you can sleep that extra half-hour. If not, get up and stay active. (Of course, make sure you’ll get enough sleep.) Do this every night, and you should start being able to plan your dreams better. This can even help you get LDs, because you’ll be prepared for what you’re going to dream of, which’ll help you recognize the dream better.
Good luck!
#Six: Ah, thanks for your advice! I was feeling kind of demotivated, but your answer made me feel a little better xD But the problem is that I DO write down all the fragments that I remember. This used to bring back more fragments and details, but that seems to have become less lately… Or maybe it only feels like it has become less? Bwah, I’ll try again tonight xD
i really need to start keeping a dream journal again.
I once kept a DJ. That was a year ago when I first found this site . Suprizingly I had an LD once :O… but everything was blurry and unclear. I thaught “If LD’s have such a bad graphic, then I leave everything be and that’s it !”.
Then, after a year, I joined this forum. The first topic I opened was “Unclear dreams”, as that thaught was making me very nervous. I asked about how to increase my vividness. And people answered adn gave me very good advises. Then I began hoping again about LD’s. This forum gave me back my hope… and I mean the people around here. I’m very thankfull !
Now that’s my history about LDing. When I had the DJ I didn’t have better results of LD’s, but amazingly I could remember dreams better. Now I can’t remember anythink, or just like Oleg saied: in a few days to “I think it had something to do with a dog…”.
It makes me think about starting the DJ thingy again… but I’m too lazy to do that
Yeah, I should be ashamed of myself I allready read that thing… still I have no time for a DJ, and I’m afraid I’ll just leave it in a corner. I know I’m exactly the type of character Rathez describes there, but I can’t help it . I want to make a DJ, but I think it will take too long and stuff like that. Should I write or type my DJ ? If I’m lazy I’ll type it, and if I’m not THAT lazy I’ll write it )