I think the main obstacle for me to overcome, is resisting the overwhelming urge to just give up and go to sleep. Of the two times I have tried this, I probably could have gone on to have an LD had I not given up and gone to sleep.
When I’m trying a method of WILD and I get close to the sleep state, I feel this overwhelming urge to just give in to the sleep process. Does anyone else get this? I’m sure you must do. Resisting this must be the ultimate key to having a WILD.
It’s like yoiu’re doing everything right and heading in exactly the right direction, when you are overpowered by this strong emotion of how wonderful it would be to just go to sleep.
HOWEVER, this method seams to be the one that takes me to the point of sleep the quickest. All the others (breathing, visualising, counting) seam to take a long time before I feel like I’m bordering sleep. With this one, I seam to get sleepy much quicker, maybe within about 5 minutes or something. It must be because inbetween the finger-counting I’m not actually doing anything except remembering to open my eyes and count again shortly.
It is this same thing which could be the key to this method’s success. Lack of activity interspersed with brief logical activity. This way, the lack of activity lets the body automatically go into its going-to-sleep process, but the short little moments of logical acitvity periodically restarts the concious mind.
Not resisting Ed, but split consciousness!
What you do and most do here is a classic wild for lucid dreamers.
And thats a trance tech…meaning what you should do is let a small part of your consciousness stay awake and a big part let fall a sleep.
That i call split consciousness…meaning your consciousness is awake as well as sleeping or falling a sleep.
Hypnosis is also a split consciousness thing as well is lucid dreaming!
Wow Jeff, I wish I would of read that about a year ago. I regularly check on the forums, but don’t post very much. Thats probably the best way to think of it. All the times I have tried WILD I would always to resist the sleep. The way you described it makes me feel like I could do a WILD right here on the spot. Thanks Jeff!
…and Gjedde thanks for the new tech I will be sure to try it out and use it. Good fresh ideas are what I need.
Ed, I thing I have the same problem. Must say I’m a newbie.
Woke up at 5. Went to try the “repeating count finger technique”, repeated it for about 6 times. And I just fall asleep. Woke up again at 6 (remembering my dream). Tried again and woke up when the sun was up. Bummer!!! Nothing happened.
The sleep urge just took me and I went sleeping but the repeat segues did not pursued!!! Did made me realize that it is not the RC that triggers a LD but is the consciousness that makes you think “I must try a RC” That just the issue, when your at this point where you thing “something is not right here, lets try a RC the LD already kicked in” It’s the same with the “count finger technique” when you get to the point of start counting your fingers when sleeping and thinking, heee 6 fingers, the LD is already there.
RC are nice but how can you get to that point? Anyone knows, how that works, and how to train it (given the know techniques).