The revolution in LD research!

Or if someone leaked some of the tech… Hey kids from LD4all! Go become scientists!


Only in Japan… lol kdding

But serously im wodering…

how much would u pay to use on of those.

and yeah ive considered taking pshycology since im only 14 and ive got a while to think about being a scientist haha but they should make it so one device works on only your brain, or you could synchronize other brains so it could be shared with your family but some sort of security would be used to protect it. That way we could all be LDers’

Stop freaking out people. It says that he CONTROLLED a character on a GAME while he was AWAKE.

I think we’re years away.

About the price,that’s the most advanvced peice of technology i have ever met.
The Japanese will sureley make a version that fitsin your pocket,or a touchscreen one,lol.
Yeah…not sure what to say.

That’s what I said. :content:

mindreading software could record your dreams

Looks promising.

url was broken up because of length … made into clickable text instead
and merged into existing topic :moogle:

Oh yeah, I saw somethin about this the other day and it looked very interesting.and would be very cool if they could one day make something like this to record dreams it would be better than reading/writing a dream diary. And could provide much more proof for lucid dreaming.

Am I the only one who’s not very enthusiastic about the idea of their dreams being recorded?

I don’t know why. It would be much easier to just record them instead of writing them down. It just seems lazy, somehow. Besides, my dreams are usually so vague and blurry that they probably wouldn’t record very well.