The Secret to Having LDs Every Night

I guess I did it partially last night.

I had a lucid dream. Earlier that night I tried to WILD (and failed). I realized that I was going about it the wrong way. So then I just decided to go to sleep normally, but I kept thinking stuff all the time. Instead of simple focus related things (such as stating my name), I essentially kept daydreaming somewhat actively until I fell asleep. A lot of it was remembering previous dreams that I had that night and pretending I became lucid in them.

I guess that’s not entirely your technique, but oh well. I’m going to keep doing it “my” way, because that seems to be working.

Hi Lena. my result was pretty much as I expected. The first night (woke up at 4:30) I started with # 2 multiplied it by two, multiplies the answer by 2 etc. etc. and did that for just a little while, maybe 20 seconds. and stopped because I didn’t want to not be able to fall asleep again. It took me a while to fall asleep anyway, but I did finally, and no dreams. The next night(woke up at 4:30) I tried to do it a little longer, and got as far as 15 thousand something ( took less then a minute, I’m good at math). Well that was too long I guess cause I could not for the life of me get back to sleep. Had a very long day that day :sad:
So I guess for me I would have to find or sense the thin line between alert and awake. It’s a tough one! :pharaoh:

hmm… try this: if math keeps you awake, try just opening your eyes. roll them around a few times, and change your breathing pattern for a minute or two. then go back to sleep. don’t turn on the light, because that might be what’s keeping you awake.