The trick to mastering Everyday Lucidity

Nice post, rustydreamer. This goes along nicely with Robert Waggoner’s The Secret of Frequent Lucid Dreamers article. I read his post the day I experienced my second LD so I firmly believe that both you and he are on to something fundamental.

What’s cool is that this is a more interesting, engaged way to live life. A bonus of this sort of mindset is that you stop taking all the little, wonderful things about reality for granted. Stopping to take a look at the world around you, listening to those little ambient noises that we tune out, feeling the sun on your face… this is a great way to experience external reality.

LD is about making the most of your dream time. And the methods that you and Mr. Waggoner suggest also help you make the most of your waking time.

I’ll definitely take these suggestions to heart. Thanks for the post.