Things to do for a beginner

What is the easiest thing to do in a LD for beginers? I don’t want to spawn up DC’s because I want to make sure I can defend myself if they attack. (If I do meet DC’s that attack I always can wake up.) Oh ya, and don’t put anything on stabalizing the dream because I already know about that stuff. :wink:

I like to dance.

Fly, Always, fly,
I like fly

Ok. I’ll try flying/hovering after I stabalize.
Any other suggestions? (Nothing that I can do in real life, or nothing… dirty.)

I got it! I’ll dance while hovering.

I like to use telekinesis!

Just pick a random object, point your hands towards it, like you’re going to shoot a fireball and yell something cool. Don’t forget to show the DC’s! “Look what I can do!” :wink:

I once did this in a low level lucid dream: put your hand beetween your face and something so you cannot see it (I did so with a building very far away) and just expect it to randomly change. At first it did nothing for me. The second time it changed color, but I thought: “wait, just the color and not the design or details” then it changed in details and color.

That would be handy if DC’s were chasing me, since I don’t know how to defend myself, I could just poof them away with my hands :happy: yay. If I stay calm, I’ll first practice flying, and if I’m lucky, I’ll practice my dream manipulation and defense strategies.
In my later LD’s I’ll put my defense strategies to the test, look for my DG, and explore!
But in my first LD, I’ll practice flying, and going through walls, the two most easiest things, apparently.

Hugs are good. Someone chasing you? Turn around, wrap your arms around them, and give em a big ole hug.

Or I could just destroy them… muhahaha!!

Flying on a broomstick, Harry-potter style is probably the easiest thing that I can think of. It’s just like normal flying, except you have a broomstick as a confidence aid (you don’t even have to sit on it; I fly His “Dark Materials witch” style {with a broom, but just holding it} for increased freedom)

Get out of your house and go visit your neighbors rsrs that’s cool.

I highly recommend shapeshifting. In my opinion, it’s the coolest thing to do in a lucid dream because you can actually feel your body shifting, something which is downright impossible in waking life.

As an added bonus, shapeshiftng gives you an increased awareness of your dream body, further stabilizing the dream.

Looking at The BIG favourite thing to do in a LD may be useful <–

Yes, i dont know how to link yet, lol.

I found that had loads of great ideas, as for what to do as a beginner, you could pick out ones that you feel you would be able to acomplish :wink:

Good luck :ok:

Anything else?

I’m telling ya man! Pick up a phone in your dream and ask for whatever you want. Do you want to have fun with explosives? Just call and ask for a truck of explosives to be delivered to your location. You don’t even have to dial. just pick up and talk. Next, what you can do is ask for a military truck to swing by and bring you into battle. When they arrive, get in and ask for a mission briefing. Then they drop you off at an awesome battle where you can have some real fun! Be adventurous. Any thing you need, just pick up the phone

Ok… :smile:

did i scare you mew :shy: I get carried away sometimes

Go and met people from RL that you’re a fan of, or movie characters.
I’m definitely going to try and met the Joker :mrgreen_hat:

That would be cool. I would probably fly though. The first thing I’m going to do though is say to myself, “I did it! I finally did it!”

Look around. The sky is always very beautiful, especially at night. I would say fly and look around.