Yes, that’s exactly what she means.
oops, my apologies!
The first LD I had started off as a ND in third person. When my lucidity increased it turned into first person. Then when it decreased again it went back into third before waking up.
Well that must be a pointer towards my low control then!
Iv never had much control in an LD.
I hope you’ll find some tips in the thread in which I merged yours. I think it’s possible to enter a first person perspective dream from a 3r person perspective, but I never tried cause I haven’t this problem.
The first solution which comes into my mind is to try to move: run, fly, move your arms, etc. The second solution is identifying yourself into a dream character: if you find it too hard, you can also “merge” with a DC, just with willpower.
Almost every ND I have is in 3rd person. Whenever its in 1st person thats my only chance at getting lucid. In 3rd person I just see whats happening and I get it but it’s like I have no thoughts so can’t think “This is wierd, I must be dreaming.”
I had an lucid one in 3 person today.
Or im not sure whether it was lucid , im not sure if i just awoke or not .
Suddenly i just thought “Maybe im dreaming ?” And felt both dreambody and the real body , It was like the player screen in tibia , in both grafics and perspective
Topic merged
Hey everyone. I’m new here, although I have been reading about LD’s for several weeks. I have tried several times without any success (although I’m not expecting it), and have been logging my dreams faithfully.
I have a question…more often than not, I dream in the third person watching myself, or at times I’m merely an observer (the dream does not include me at all). Also, my dreams are very non-linear and free associative. Is this common? Will it have an effect on my ability to gain lucidity from a first person perspective?
Thanks. I’m looking forward to my time on!
I have those kind of dreams too, but I haven’t been lucid yet. I don’t think it has much to do with lucidity, as some people (like us simply seem to have more “movie-style” dreams. In more “action-filled” dreams, I usually have a 3rd person view at least for a time. Last time, for example, I was beating skeleton things and vampires, and for a time I could see from the 3rd person.
EDIT: Almost forgot! WELCOME! Have a metaphoric cookie!
That’s very common in my dreams, happens almost every night. In my DJ you can recognize when I have them since I often write, “The camera angle changed…” Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of LDs, I promise.
See you around!
It happens to me a lot, but you can change it through mnemonic excercises. I do them because I can’t lucid dream in third person.
Really, Fiver? A lot of mine are in 3rd. Come to think of it, most are.
Mnemonic exercises? Blah! I thought RC’s were a pain in the neck enough.
Anyway, thanks, I’m glad to know I’m not alone! I’ll be voraciously reading the forum…trying to find a method that works well for me!
Mnemonic exercises? How can that be done?
I think I can’t LD in third person either, or at least not in the same way I do in first person—there’s a small loss of overall control.
“I will dream in the first person tonight”
Repeat ad nauseum
Think I can combine that with a MILD mantra, something along the lines of “I will dream lucidly in the first person tonight”?
Worth a try, isn’t it? Some people would also right this down and sign, or swear to the gods of the Olympum, or whatever fits them… You should think about that too.
The control is perfectly natural for me. I still control my body, I feel all senses, I’m just not seeing through my own eyes. The first-person ones feel odder. ^^
That is what I use, almost verbatum. Pretty good method, if I do say so, myself.
Hm, I was going to post something like this once I’d had more LDs.
Third-person view seems to have had very bizarre effects on both my lucid moments. In third person, most of my sense of touch is gone or very dull, so when I use a “staying there” technique like rubbing my hands, I shouldn’t be able to feel, right? Well, as soon as I felt anything in either case, the dream scene faded away into a false awakening. I could “fall asleep” back into my dream, but then it would fade away for good, regardless of any spinning, hand rubbing, yelling “Lucidity times 1000!”, etc.
But on the other hand, first-person feels so limited because I can’t see nearly as much, and I have trouble moving around consistently in first person on the few occasions I have it.