Time Control

This is possible, but for it to be lucid you’ll be very tired. You’re going to have to practice your dream stability like mad. Every time you LD then try to make it go for a bit longer, this is more than possible, just think REM cycles don’t last that long, yet we can be ‘dreaming’ for a very long time.

I think you’re just going to have to practice, go to bed a bit earlier so you can get more cycles in to practice with.

Try and try and try again.

Good luck!! :content:

I’m going to try this to lucid dream every night. I’m going to experiment with this, and if it works, I’ll let everyone know. :smile:

It is a law so, its gotta be true. Right? But Gravity is only a theory? Whatever, watch the video and see what you think.

Watch all of it. But if you have to, skip about 3 minutes of the start.

someone should try making a delorean like “back to the future” to go back in time in the dream or something.
i couldn’t get it to work in mine, but i’d like to hear if anyone else can.

Does anyone have a link to the 100-year-dream? I’d really like to practise this myself! :smile:

If I remember, it’s just a paragraph on some book, saying Robert Monroe done it. Doesn’t specifies how to do it or what it feels like.

But maybe you could try reading Monroe’s books, I didn’t. Maybe he says.

I can only control time when Im really REALLY tired :sigh:

Dreams that appear to last more than a month are probably false memories. If you had a dream that lasted 100 years and you could actually count out all of the 3,153,600,000 seconds without time skipping forward then that would mean that since 8 hours is 28,800 seconds and a REM period is 5,400 seconds that means that the brain is processing information 109,500 to 584,000 times as fast as it usually is. (Depending on whether or not the dream took place in one REM period or all of them.)
It’s been scientifically proven that in certain cases of fear the human body is capable of making time apparently slow down (Where the brain processes information much faster.), but I think that if your brain were to work 109,500 to 584,000 times as fast as it usually is that your brain would literally overheat.

But who knows what’s possible? :happy:

that would be cool!!! man i have not had any Ld since sept 2 . ugh!!! I wish i can experiment with this theory u guys are tlaking about. and i was wondering can we do this while awake?

Do you suppose that you could actually stop time in a dream? Make it last as long as you want it to?

If your life is in danger, time will apparently slow down. Or you can just do something really boring. I’ll quote Wikipedia’s article on time.

I don’t think so, but who knows? :happy:

that would be awsome, but if i was in a dream to long i dont think i would survive in normal life

It depends on how you define time.
I mean, Since you can control the Universe in a Lucid dream. You can make the day longer, Like, Instead of 24 hours, 37 hours. and than, You can dream longer.
If you really want to dream longer, You should try changing your reality before you change the laws of Physics and Supernatural stuff
But most of all it depends on the R.E.M sleep

Well like others have said, if you woke up after 100 years of dreams you would be screwed up. You wouldn’t know who anybody is in your real life. Complete strangers.

I really doubt you could go for 100 years, but sure, a factor of ten could easily be possible. All it is is your brain processing 10 times more data - well, probably less considering it doesn’t have to process sensory input. I don’t know the limit of the brain, but I’m pretty sure we’re not using a majority in terms of the speed of data processing.

Slowing down time in your dream would mean speeding up your brain right…? Would that be putting excess strain on your mind. Still worth an attempt though I guess


But what would an attempt actually consist of? How do you attempt something that is generally out of your control? I mean, this would be speeding up something controlled by your subconscious, which as far as I’m aware of we don’t tend to have much more control over when we are in a lucid dream.

ive heard of this guy before who dreamed for what it seemed like a lifetime, but then he woke up, and it had only been one day.
not sure what his name was, and he didnt explain how, but we should really get some people working on this :grin: