
WHAT IS HILD? Please tell me more technics! I’d love to know all! and try all! But for now what the hell is HILD? s

Headache induced LD? Try hitting your head hard before you go to bed… Hmm probably not. Someone else any idea?

You mad guinea pigs! It stands for Hypnosis Induced Lucid Dream.

And I think the word is ‘techniques’ not ‘technics’, Redifin. Sorry I’m a perfectionist. Someone get a gun and shoot me.

HILD is Hargart’s Induced Lucid Dream - see: https://community.ld4all.com/t/hargarts-induction-technique-log-hild/10708

it’s a WILD variation.

Moogle is awesome! :happy:

Would you send me the article for VILD?

Actaully, HILD is the one and only tech that worked for me, except DILD :cool_laugh:

well send me DILD too. Send me that article too.