Tutorial: Beginners Guide to Lucid Dreaming

Not to my knowledge.

Your Post made really made me think about how super important the DJ really is!
I started the first day with reading every good information about the topic i could find, and wanted to do so many things at once, which expectedly overwhelmed me…
Now at about day 4, after starting the training with a DJ, a lot of RT 's and many other, as well training my memory, I try to cut the ‘fancy’ things back (techniques etc.) and put some effort into the basic skills :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you so much again, sometimes one (and I am certainly one of em), needs a ‘reminder’ to start with the most simple things and build it up from there :stuck_out_tongue:

P.s: Hello ld4all community :slight_smile: Thus, this being my first post (and I like to mention, containing grammmatical errors for the sake of your enjoyment :slight_smile:
I am glad to share my interest in lucid dreaming :))
(NO surprise I know :P)

Greetings to all and all the best!

@Lucil: Welcome! :wave: although I’m a bit late…

DJ is probably the most overlooked part of LD’ing and rathez’s post really makes it clear why. Most people are likely turned off due to it being somewhat boring and time consuming, but personally speaking, the time I really invested in DR and typed out as much detail as humanely possible was by far my best dremaing/lucid dreaming phase. I wish I had the time and motivation to get that dedication back!!

totally agree with you!!

Thank you !
Very complete, exactly what everybody needs here !

The french forum is closed since the admin left. As I am not a LD Master, I hope someone will have the time and motivation to run it again.

@lawrens Je pourrais te le traduire si j’ai la foi mais le forum fr est fermé de toute façon.

Great great guide man, i support this x1000.

I decided to start my quest to lucidity after many reading and the fact that i’ve experienced lucid dreams 2 times already.
Out of my many readings i knew the first thing to do was to start a dream journal. So i bought one pen and a notebook to start writting them down, i only use this note and pen for this and i think it is important to makes it really connected to dreams.

I’ve started autosuggestion method to induce recall and consciousness during my dreams and try to do it as near to the sleep as i can.

I try to put all the info i can get about dreams, sleep, lucid dreams into my journal between my dreams to makes it more readable. So if i have nothing but my journal (i always have thoose two with me, anytime ^^) i can read it a bit before sleeping.

Thanks you for this, everyone should read this before start to concider other advanced method.