Unknown persons in dreams


Actually I watched a science show about it. Later I also was reading a book about hypnosis and how people were able to pull lost memories out of their subconscious.

But more than that, I had a recurring DC that I just could not place. Since she was in so many of my dreams I thought it might be important. Then one day I was at a mall and went to get a soda at the food court which was very crowded. There was one store that was not very busy so I went to that one since all I wanted was a soda. An there was the DC. I must have passed her countless times. Which is not necessarily proof of the studies. But makes you think about what other secrets are hiding deep in our subconsciousness.

yeah, I sometimes see DC’s who are completely made up by my mind. The brain seems to be good at mixing bits and pieces up especially in dreams.
But all my recurring DC’s are people I know.

Technodreamer: I find it very easy to constuct images in my head too, not so much faces but imagining people I know in different clothes, scenery and lots of things.

hmm interesting on the constructing bit, i bet you are seeing thinkers.

I am a feeling thinker, which means that i cant see things to well but i can feel them…does that make any sort of sence?

And MJ needs a new face full stop, i reckon what ever the hell i think up, with my limited skill there , would look better then what he has lol. hmm i am so mean but i love it