I know that vibrations play an important role in stimulating certain chakras which are needed in astral projection, but what role do they have (if any) in Lucid Dreaming?

You will find a lot of information relating to Astral Projection also can be tunded towards lucid dreaming, some people will claim that it is a placeebo, others wont.

its used as a mind trick imo to help focus your intention and yes, there has been research that shows charkra stimulation will increase your chances of lucid dreaming ap, or just dream recall.

is your question just relating to the vibrations or to charkra stimulation and which one to stimulate?

The vibrations you feel may also come on when you are close to entering a dream, through sleep paralysis or the like, learning how to control these sensations can be your gateway into a lucid dream world every time you try.


That was one of the questions I was trying to ask in my post from yesterday. I got strong vibrations in both of my first 2 lucid dreams right at the start of lucidity, and it surprised me. I was researching and attempting astral projection before I tried lucid dreaming and one of the first goals is to get to a relaxed enough state to start getting exit symptoms, the main one of which is vibrations. I didn’t expect to vibrations in any dream. So I’m wondering if becoming lucid in a dream is closely related to, if not the same thing as, as astral projection.

Also, when I got the vibrations, I wonder if I had a choice of entering a lucid dream or of projecting into the real time zone?


Hi John,

You will find your question is not a new one, there has been a debate over astral projecting and lucid dreaming for as long as I can remember, are they the same are they different can one lead to the other and vice versa etc etc.

I can not answer this for you as I do not know, although my expereince with lucid dreaming is of a high extent, my ability in astral projection is not as in deapth.

there are many threads in the beyond dreaming seciton

And also in here : [AP question...)

( i would have made that neater but im in quick post and I cant remember the tags)

Have a read through and help that information form your own op. Dont let others sway you too much, i think no one knows for sure …yet.
