Video Game Dreams

I’m going to try GTA

Thats so cool, gecko! ive had dreams as well where i would find hidden maps and stuff like that. When i do though they can be really glitchy or creepy or just plain weird.

I’ve had minecraft dreams before. They were pretty cool. Sometimes Mario sneaks in there too.

Just for motivation: Just cause 2: Flying mod :wink:

Video Game related dreams are really cool! :tongue:

WHOA!! Laretta! thats how my first Lucid Dream looked liked!! except i was flying over just mountains…still i was so excited to be lucid dreaming, it felt so real, like a drop on a roller coaster! I was shouting for joy, “I DID IT!!!” :woo: I have no idea how i didnt wake up from pure excitement… I honestly wished all of my LDs felt that way

normally when i fly in NDs its always with the aid of some contraption…
Watching that vid makes me think, “Who needs video games when you can Lucid Dream?” :tongue:

Have you ever played a game in a dream that doesn’t exist IRL? I have played a strategy/building game many times, it feels like a cross between Settlers and Sim City 2/3000. It is important in that game to choose the right place for the buildings, and make it possible for goods to flow between them. It is always fun in the dreams, but the game just doesn’t exist yet.

Character creation from RPGs are also a common dreamsign.

Actually Siiw ive had one LD where i built a whole neighborhood but the closest one that i came to playing a game tht didnt exist was the one about the dragon that i had mentioned…

But i did want to come up with a game IRL and play it out in my lucid dreams for awhile now…

More often than not, video games have influenced my dreams (just yesterday I dreamt about galaxies and exploring them, probably influenced by me getting engrossed in Mass Effect 3 videos). Sometimes I actually am in a video game myself, but that does not happen that often. The most vivid memory I can remember at the top of my head being Fallout. Entries about both dreams exist in my dream journal.

Edit: Siiw, you might be interested in the Anno series (Anno 1701 is what I have played)

Just last night, I had kind of a Minecraft (with a slight bit of Mario mixed in) nightmare (the sort that isn’t even scary at all once you really wake up from it). In spoilerbox for length and excessive use of parentheses. [spoiler] I was just fooling around on some new single player world, when all of the sudden, a pack these more-cute-than-scary human mobs came up and started shooting arrows at . . . well, not even me. Just at the other mobs. But this scared me enough to delete the world (by the way, this whole world here didn’t have a Minecraft vibe to it. It was actually sort of weird, with some Super Mario stuff scattered around).

Later in the dream (maybe it was just one of those things where the dream skips ahead a couple scenes), I decided to make a new creative mode world, but even as I made it, I was afraid the new mobs (for some reason, I want to call them villagers, even though they looked more like Megaman than the already existing mobs) would show up and basically scare me again. Well, I started the new world, and where I spawned (by the way, this is the sort of thing that seems normal) in sort of a star-y background, but I was standing on invisible ground. Feeling relaxed, I decided to start following a how-to-build video, or at least I think I did, because I was following an unfamiliar voice’s instructions. So I built a wooden platform to stand on (this was not needed. Like I said, there was invisible ground!) and then the video was telling me about how I could raise it higher, so I did that. And then the platform emerged like it was actually underwater, and saw the most breathe-taking Minecraft sight of my life. A HUGE mountain, with so many biomes on it. I flew over to it, and it was even more amazing up close than far away. I noticed that some of the trees in the arctic min-biome had their trunks replaced with gravel. It made me remember those “villagers”, but I figured it was just a terrain generation bug. I decided to explore the summit. “Wow, this is pretty coo-- Uh oh.” I saw a long wooden plank block just sitting there. They don’t spawn naturally like that, so instantly, I thought of those mobs. And instantly they appeared. Once again, they weren’t paying me any attention or even looking creepy, but I was still scared by them anyway and deleted the world. Shortly after, I woke up.[/spoiler]

I had trouble with vanquishing nightmares until I really got into video games. Now it’s easy to vanquish whatever is chasing me, attacking me, etc by going through a ld “weapons” select. It’s a good method to help train yourself too for the rough dreams you don’t want to wake up from but wish would change

This can be a real problem If you fond of horror games (my favorite one currently is Amnesia)…
Concentrating on vanquishing the attacker or quit the game (the dream itself) - :eek:
Here you can watch some video about the game:
An old announcement video about the game
Scary Gameplay
Lost in the Darkness

if often dream of league of legeneds. After waking up i´m like “am i playing this game so often that it comes to my dreams?” but after reading this thread i´m quite relieved that im not the only videogame-junky :happy:

Lol you’re totally right dapi!

Blue Gecko! i had a minecraft dream last night too! :happy:
I was being chased by a zombie when i came across this temple. The temple was a huge maze so i decided to hide in there and try to lose him. I ended up on the temple’s rooftop and looked down. I saw the zombie right outside; apparently he didnt follow me inside. Then i saw (from the zombie’s perspective) that right behind me were the the zombie and greek gods of minecraft. :eek:
Sothey started chasing me into the temple and activated all the booby traps in the temple. (but i escaped them all :happy: )