Video games and Dreaming

I had a dream about Half-Life (at least I think it was a dream). I was at the beginning, the carriage had just stopped. The security guard came. I looked again and he was lying dead. I went into the facility and all the people started to drop dead by themselves. I couldn’t get through the necessary doors because of that. I never became lucid.

Anyway, I’ve heard some people say that games help and others that they hinder LDs. The benefits of games is quite a controversial area.

you thought it was a dream, lol what else could it be? i had loads of halflife mod dreams too, sometimes mixing them… anyone else seem to mix games in their sleep? like CS characters playing NS with people u know form the sims online :smile:
i think the best game has to be final fantasy 10, if u really get into the game u get actual feelings for the characters and they almost become real, so to meet them in a dream is so great

Time ago I used to dream about Dune 2 all the nights. And before falling asleep I could actually hears those cannon sounds. :gni:

hehe, before vice city was released I had a dream about it :wink:

I’m not sure if it was like I was IN the game… or the game was sort of… in the real world.

I was… uh… looking at a place near my house, it’s a pub. Outside was a black car with flames on it, the cuban hermes :grin: nothing happened really but meh.

I also had one about Operation Flashpoint once. I was like, at a crossroad or something and an apc pulled up beside me, the ones with the red crosses on the side.

I used to dream about Quake 2 too, but can’t remember if I was actually participating in the shooting or just playing the game. :content:

sounds like a rad technique. i used to have non-ld’s when i was going for 100 percent on gta3. i think metroid prime would be an interesting one to test it out on…