Video games and lucid dreaming?

I just got a new reason for LDing: Exploring the world of Hyrule! :mrgreen:

I want to act out a RPG esque story in my lucid dreams, it’s one of my many LD goals.

I think video games actually help to get lucid dreams. When I play video games often, I usually dream about them. So I do a RC whenever I play it, think or talk about that game. And when I find myself playing that game in a dream, I do a RC and get Lucid.

RCing when you see anything to do with the game? Sounds like a good idea to me! :smile: And for the third-person dreams, they’ve started to stop for me, too. In fact, they’ve been in decline ever since I decided I liked first-person dreams better. Funny how the subconscious picks up on things like that.

Also, having the Celestial Brush as a dream power sounds awesome! I’m definitely trying that the first time I have high lucidity in a dream :happy: Thanks for the idea!

Interview (with 2 parts) with the author of the theory can be read from Lucid Dream Exchange:

(taken from website)

Sounds about right; I wrote a psychology paper on the topic, based on a study that talked about the correlation. But in my own experience? Not so much. For me, it depends more on trying to lucid dream, and having my mind saturated with the subject. Case in point: four years ago I’d have them several times a week, but the last time I can recall having a lucid dream was probably months ago.

…and that’s regardless of whether I play video games these days! But I sure do have video game inspired LDs, you betcha. Mostly Mario stuff. And my mind creates awesome new worlds sometimes—and that would be great for exploration in lucid dreams. I should look into that.

And Hyrule! What a great place to explore!

I’m heavy gamer during the week and when I first read about lucid dreaming I was interested to add elements of games to my dreams.
Once I melded Talisman online (MMORPG I played at the moment) Gold miner (flash game I found somewhere) and real world (mostly around my house) to one awesome game in which I was main character with a group for gold hunt. We first found few smal gold chunks but after a while we found huge gold chunk. Then I woke up. Too bad I couldn’t go lucid. It would be awesome.

I play video games quite a bit. Though most interesting is that both of the 2 lucid dreams I have had so far have been helped by a game called Yumme Nikki… Which also makes it harder for me to sleep!

But seriously, a mix of a good mantra and drifting thoughts about how creepy Uboa is can be quite useful, at least from my perspective.

oh how I would love to explore all those worlds I spend hours losing reality in…

I’m well known for becoming too attached to characters from games…especially ones that have good character development.

Maybe if I managed to LD it would at least cure that ‘lost’ feeling I get when I complete a game or stop playing one. Final fantasy for example.

Hopefully this is true and my favourite pastime will help me have a lucid dream :smile:

Interesting enough to mention here:

Since I recently started Final Fantasy VII (I actually never played that game - gap in education, oh what did I miss!) my dream recall seems to have improved. Also, the first night after I played it, I had a dream (which even might have been FF related, I completely forgot the content) in which I had that feeling of “free will” unlike in other dreams, where you just “follow the dream”.

So there really seems to be a connection between dreams and video games. And they also can bring you new lucid goals - "Just you wait Sephiroth, I’m gonna kick your butt in my dreams! :ebil: "

I wouldn’t consider myself a “hardcore gamer”, but I do play video games once in a while. If playing video games makes you more likely to get lucid dreams then I will definitely start playing them more.

I’m totally a pro gamer, not a hardcore finisher, but I love video games. The first lucid dream I had, I had (odd part there) flown around my neighborhood, but everytime I was starting to lose concience. I ended up in a 3d level of Little Big Planet, so it was quite easy to get myself back into the awesomeness of lucidity. Video Games Rule!

I had only one dream about games, actually I was in a game, it was call of duty, but it was a ND.

I don’t game as much as I did when I was younger (ten or so), but I do go through occasional bursts of gaming from time to time.

A while back, I got addicted to Tetris. So, one night, I had a dream in which I was in a dark gray basement, with grayish Tetris blocks falling around me.

Other than that, no video game dreams come to mind. I have thought about this, though, and I think it makes sense that gamers have a connection to LDing.

Used to play CS.

I am indeed a LDer and a gamer. I am a nintendo system fan fo-sho and currently I’m addicted to 007:Goldeneye

I am probably one of the biggest gamers of my school :tongue:

I am not really an online player, I’d rather play Single Player games like Half-Life, Gothic 2 (Anyone know of it?),the Halo series and Morrowind etc.

I dream A LOT about games. In many of my dreams in my DJ you’ll see game elements.