Video Games: one of the many hazzards

Hello Sephiroth2 Is it possible you like the final fantasy series too? :cool:

I must admit I find some of the more violent games off-putting. But the risk is people keep on pushing back the bounderies (that spelling isn’t right - but I should be trying to ld by this time) of what is acceptable in these games and it makes you wonder when it will really go too far
The word should have been boundaries. Meaning the outer limits of what people take as acceptable.

I’m not sure I understand what you mean by ‘acceptable’, or ‘too far’. Those terms are surely defined by the individual, and video games are probably the least submissive form of entertainment available. In other words, you have to be actively playing the game to experience what it has to offer. If people don’t enjoy it, they aren’t forced to endure it - something that can’t be said for most other major forms of multimedia.

Well, the answer, I think, is pretty simple: Everything in moderation.
I don’t think videogames really actually CAUSE mental problems…Maybe, rarely, do they actually show them, but that’s all. I personally don’t like the real violent ones, it gets to the point where it seems the whole point is just violence. :eh:
Anyway, too much eating is bad, too little excercising is bad, too little sleeping is bad, too much videogames is bad.
Just don’t obsess over anything and you’ll be fine. :neutral:
As long as it’s all harmless fun, it’s okay.

For the moment, allow me to compare video games to lucid dreaming. Both give you the freedom to do anything you like (immoral, illegal or otherwise) in an environment that ultimately has no effect on reality whatsoever. If you choose to spend your time exploring the ruins of some ancient city, fantastic. Equally, if you’d prefer the fast-paced excitement of stealing cars and gunning down wave after wave of government officials (and innocent bystanders around them) as they try to stop you - go for it. It’s just a different way of escaping your regular life in favor of some fantasy adventure that you’ll never get the chance to experience in real life.

I’m of two minds on this subject - firstly, I think that video games, like all other art forms, should be allowed full and free reign, without restriction of any kind. on the other hand, like all art - I’m going to see a lot of corporate drivel that is wildly popular, horribly shallow, and ultimately damaging to the people who indulge and the culture they are a part of. It’s not the violent video games that make children emotionally disturbed and aggressive, it’s the violent, unrealistic, and damaged culture.

so, I guess I’m of three minds since I want to make another point - speaking from personal experience, I know that video games can be ridiculously addictive, regardless of how violent they are.
I wouldn’t think of myself as aggressive or violent in the least, but I did spend the better part of two years playing dark age of camelot for at least 10 hours a day as my relationships, schoolwork, finances, and ultimately my health crumbled around me. I can’t even play the lame little innocent games (like snood or tetris, etc.) anymore.

video games are an art, life without art is a sad sad thing, but life without good art, and art without life are two things just as bad.

I read in some psychology book that videogames provided an acceptable outlet for stress and violent impulses, so people playing them would be less prone to be violent. And I think that while many kids who play a lot of computer games are antisocial, you have to look at cause and effect. Are they antisocial because they play a lot of computer games, or do they play a lot of computer games because they’re antisocial? Or perhaps a bit of both?

Sorry if someone’s already made the above points, I’m tired and didn’t read every post. Also, once I played Doom for several hours past my bedtime and I couldn’t get it off my mind, literally. Ok, not quite literally, but I couldn’t think about anything else for the next hour or two, no matter how hard I tried. Literally. Those grainy demons and badly-textured rooms haunted my imagination without relent.

Yeah, Doom certainly was a great game. I played for days on end, and it had absolutely no negative effect on me. Though it’s funny how each time I pick up a shotgun, all the people around me start to look like demons…

[b][color=red]This topic is continued here:

PART 2[/color][/b]