Voting machines

Well I have to disagree with you there. This election was as close, if not closer than the 2000 election. If you take away all the bright red and blue states you will see the numbers are close. In 2000 we were only worried about Florida. Even after Ohio was called for Bush there was still a possibility that there would be a tie in the electorate. Further more some states took days to finally make a call one way or the other. Also keep in mind that votes are still being counted in some states.

Actually, that is not true at all. Both parties turned out in record numbers. The problem here is that we have no idea how many legally registered voters were turned away either deliberately or due to frustration over long lines in democratic districts. However, I will give credit where credit is due. The republican strategy of putting gay marriage on the ballot in battle ground states brought out the worst in people. What I find sad is that the main issue that turned the election was prejudice and they are proud of that.

Also keep in mind that way back before the primaries the democratic party did not expect to win this election at all. The did not expect to beat an incumbent president in the middle of the war on terror. Therefore, the best candidates did not step forward to run, instead they looked to 2008. It was not until Howard Dean got so much support that democrats thought they could win. So Bush ran against a second rate democrat and almost lost.

I’ll tell you while the democrats did not do well in the national arena they did better than I expected. Also, on the state level they made tremendous gains. Winning state legislature positions and gubernatorial races all over the nation, even in deeply red states. In my state the senate is controlled by republicans. Yet they lost 5 republican seats(from strongly republican districts) to democrats and our senate majority leader is nervous.

post election support group.Anyway DA is right. You are posting in the wrong thread. Most of your arguments should be posted in the

Nadar supported recount in New Hampshire: … ount_x.htm

Green party recount supported in Ohio:

Yes, recounts CERTAIN in Ohio and New Hampshire.

Yes, this election is worse than 2000 … this election is not over … but don’t expect the media to worry us with the topic. You have to investigate it yourself. Recounts are everywhere EVEN OHIO!!

Thank God for the Green Party!

EDIT: btw, I’m not expecting this to change the results of the election. I’m certain Bush will remain president. It didn’t help Gore in 2000 and I doubt much will change in 2004.

You are right about that. But fore the 3 rd party candidates there would not be any recounts. Kerry let down everyone who supported him. People donated millions of dollars for post election challenges but, Kerry wiped out. People want a fair election. People want everyone to vote and want every vote counted.

I agree with you, that a recount will not likely change the outcome. The problems with Ohio can’t be fixed with a simple recount. But, we have to start to reform the system some where. Perhaps some of the third party groups will organize and fight for election reforms and a unified system.

What I find unbelievable in a democracy is that only candidates can call for a recount but, voters have no legal right to ask for one. … index.html

if you calculate the percentage of extra votes Bush got in this county and subtracted it from the total Ohio Bush tally Kerry more than wins…

in my state (OK) the ballot was misleading and Kerry did not seem to have a direct checkbox by his name, but rather, you had to vote straight democrat and it was somewhat concerning of whether the vote would be counted, Bush, I’m not sure, but I seem to remember he had a direct checkbox by his name, wtf.

most all Oklahoma counties are registered democrats and yet not one voted for Kerry, it’s not entirely surprising since we are so damned conservative and our idea of a “democrat” might as well be Zell Miller… but… it’s a bit concerning though.

we were also the only state in the nation not to have a third party presidential candidate on the ballot and NO WAY to write his name in.

Could you not paste a whole page in?! At least put it in [code]

[/code] tags and remove parts which aren’t the article:

The more things change …: Powell on Bush foreign policy
more videoVIDEO
CNN’s Daniel Sieberg looks at whether e-voting was a success.
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CNN’s Tom Foreman on the president and court appointments.
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CNN’s Ed Lavandera on Hispanic voters and President Bush.
premium contentPLAY VIDEO
Campus Vibe: Taking stock, after the vote
• Bush on what’s ‘essential’
• Powell: Addressing Muslims
• Looking ahead: The 2008 vote
• Cartoon Clicks: Divisions
• The Candidates: Bush | Kerry
• The Issues
• The Money
• The Polls
• Timeline
• Special Report
America Votes 2004
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Thanks for the post Holy_reality. It’s good to get the word out.

I recommend everyone that cares about American democracy to watch the MSNBC “Vote Fraud” segment found here:

It gives these examples:

Could you not paste a whole page in?! At least put it in [code]

alright sorry, the gist of it is there is a recount taking momentum in Ohio funded by the greens and the libertarians, but it might not make it before Bush is inaugurated, and that there are indeed many questionable voting “glitches”

MSNBC actually ran a real story on it? That’s great but I bet 90% of Americans didn’t see it.

actually, I bet that “90%” guesstimate is still much too large. That’s about 30,000,000 people :wink:
If a republican were watching, … they would turn the station in denial.
It’s the ego of many Americans that refuse to believe such a corruption has stolen our democracy. “That could never happen” or “cry baby democrats” is all they have to say instead of examining the many facts… and then change the station.
People don’t want to believe this, no media wants to cover it, and some are just too scared to face the truth so choose to live in igonrance.

All I know is that I did not see it. Considering the fact that all of these voting irregularities are so numerous there should be news reports all over the place talking about it.

Yes I agree with you there to a point. Lots of people do choose to be blind to the corruption. However, there are lots of people who question these election and have donated money to third party candidates to try and challenge it. I think Kerry hurt the democratic party, possibly beyond repair. He pledged to fight to make sure every one would vote and that every vote would be counted. In the end he did not live up to that promise. He let down the people who stood in line for 9 hours to vote. Yet with reports of inadequate number of voting machines, voting machines braking down, counters braking down, exit polls that contradict the actual vote, and of course blatant voter fraud. What does Kerry do? The statesman thing and graciously concede the election. Do you honestly think that Democrats will turn out in numbers like that again? People turned out to fight and were let down.

I agree with this. I am so disappointed in the democrats in general. I have been lurking and reading. Glad to see discussion taking place SOMEWHERE about this subject!

In Oklahoma, the churches made sure their members got out to vote. They decided they couldn’t be letting gay people get married, you know…

Oh and there is the abortion issue…

I heard it all from my mother and her church ladies…

Smoke and mirrors. The axis of weasels had no intention of leaving before they are ready to go…or until they have no choice.

I wait to see what happens next.


So do I.

As for Kerry letting down the people… I think this is part of his “plan” you know people … would be … chomping at the bit to asassinate this man if he won LEGITIMATELY let alone by means of being a “whiner”

now of course, people are chomping at the bit to get to Bush too, I heard he survived a probably n ot very good attempt in Colombia and he possibly survived an attempt on 9/11, which you won’t hear about, but you can look it up.

so anyway… you know, if Kerry forced for a recount you know, there would have been hell to pay, the best he can do is hope people will do it for him and he can have the image of a gracious person if he so happens to be put into office.

I still think it would cause mass rioting if Kerry were elected via recount… keep in mind Bush’s supporters love guns and Kerry’s supporters hate guns… generalization yeah, but it’s true.

Blackwell is giving the Greens hell in Ohio and trying to prevent the recount from happening before inaugaration… this is such a huge mess that no one seems to even know about outside the battleground states.

I hate this media so much… I wish I had regular access to Democracy NOW!