was this the hypnagogic stage?

I’m kind of new to all this. I have never successfully WILD’ed before - the only times I’ve really had an LD was by accident. Anyway, I just had a question about the hypnagogic stage of sleep. I think I may have experienced this a few nights ago. Okay, so, it was after I had woken up in the morning at around 8:30. I was just lying in bed with my eyes shut. I starting feeling really weird. My eyes were still shut, but it felt like I was entering a dark room or something. Then I realised that I might have been conciously drifting into another REM period, which kind of freaked me out, even though I was dying to have an LD.

Suddenly, with my eyes still closed, I saw a tree in the distance. Like a fake, cartoon tree. Then I saw lots of them. And I was like, shit, is this it? Is this a HH? I could see all these weird looking trees but the feeling of lying in bed was still there. I tried to move but I couldn’t. I tried to speak but I couldn’t. I started trying to fight it, 'cos I got way freaked out. Then, it felt as though I was being pushed into the trees. They were getting closer. I heard this loud, piercing noise in my ears, like the sound of those big machines at the butchers that they use to cut the meat with (don’t ask!). I don’t really think it was the hypnagogic stage - I think it was just a dream, as when you guys talk about the HS, I don’t really hear anything about being pushed towards an image, which was distincting how I felt.

So, can anyone shed some light on this? I’m busting for answers.

Cool :smile:
Not being able to move sounds like what they call sleep paralysis, could that be it? Never had any of these, however :sad:

Btw, what is the connection between HS and SP? Do they occur simultaneously, is there some overlap in them? Because they’re both described as happening when you’re falling asleep, with images and sounds appearing, both could be scaring, only with one you also can’t move.

What I believe happend is that you probably was day dreaming or something to begin with and your conciousness drifted, You start to see images in your minds eye, diffrent senses start coming into play (They’re all very random at first). During this part, your Real body does become paraylzed. Just ignore your body and keep with the things going off in your head. Eventually (Like you did) you’ll start to actually ‘be’ there, Like you was being pushed so you actually had a body in that scenario. After a while, you’ll actually be there in your own imagination.
Just try to forget your normal and pshyical self, Thinking about the real world or feeling your senses just brings you back into the real world, You’re trying to jump into your own imagination so to say.

You’re a WILDing natural :razz:

Thanks a ton guys. =]

I was super calm at first. But, I don’t know - that loud sound in my ears, and that inability to scream seriously spooked me. Made me terrified to go to bed the following night, which is kind of hypocritical given that I’ve always seen HH and HI and SP to be really interesting, and have wanted to feel what it’s like.

HH happens at the same time sleep paralysis starts, when you fall asleep, just normally you’re not concious when you fall asleep. If you relax, and focus by counting, you will go straight into a dream. For me it sounded like a jumbo jet was landing in my bed, there was a juddering in my right ear, and a load whistling in my left, and my body felt like it was vibrating, which is just another hallucination. Also I felt blood rushing to my head and all I saw were the colours purple and yellow flooding my mind intensely.

Well, that didn’t exactly help with the whole “I’m completely freaked” thing, but at least I know it’s normal.

The human brain is too cool!

yeah the brain is cool, i wonder if there are some insaine people who go through RL with their brain in dreamland?

woah. that happened in a story I just wrote(Dream Eaters). It was a little different, but close.

The kid was in a white room. He couldn’t move, talk, and he heard a loud ear-piercing noise.

When alcoholics get to delirium tremens (last stages) one of the symptoms is exactly REM stages during the waking time (thus they get the “monsters” they normally say the get)