What are some of your personal dreamsigns? Part II

In last dream I was in my vineyard and that was ok except there was a house across the street and that was the house from my previous vineyard, and I was explaining to a friend how was this mine before. :ding:

I remember the dreamsign from my first LD; all my fingers were the same length as my index…That was the switch that told me ‘im dreaming! Awesome!’ …so then i went flying ^^

DUDE, I keep losing a tooth, too. But that’s probably because actually I have a broken tooth right in the front of my mouth, and the restoration is a lot more fragile than a real tooth and keeps breaking at akward moments.

But since a kid?

2)My primary school - sometimes I’m 26 and studying college stuff there, sometimes I’m just reliving childhood classes and teachers.
3)Being in the toilet or taking a bath, while people are right there, or just behind glass. Or people invading my toilet privacy and not make a big deal about it (I do, they don’t).

hey everyone,

i am kind of new to lucid dreaming (practicing for about a month and a half). I have had a few lucid dreams, most of them low-levels of lucidity :sad: . I was wondering if you guys could post some of your dream signs, to give me examples of what i should be looking for when i go through my dream journal looking for things to link me to more occurrences with lucidity.
thanku :smile:

Merged from similar topic. :dragon:

One of my old dream signs is a storm happening. Since I live in a very dry area, storms almost never happen. :grin:

For me one of them is- failing to do something. an example would be that in dreams i tend to drop things, trip, inability to type/remember something. So thats a good dream sign (i think) and pretty easy to practice in real life cuz stuff like that happens alot. IRL i tend to tip over glasses of milk alot… :meh: hahahh

Just look for things that happen all the time in dreams. My major dreamsign is spiders, which is unfortunate for me because I am arachniphobic :sad: . Although, I must say, I’m rather jealous of the Mew. Storms are my favorite thing on Earth.

a dream sign for me is either slow-mo running( that happens everytime i try and run) or fighting, when im fighting im punching in slow motion.

Also the classic inability to scream. Lucidityy’s slow-motion running is fairly common as well.

I’ve this one ridiculous, it’s something about bubble gum, whenever I have a bubble gum in a dream I can’t remove it from my mouth easily, it becomes big and I can’t spit it out… But this DS doesn’t appear too often and I never became lucid because of that :sad: !

Losing my teeth is a major common one for me. Though I know it’s quite common amongst other people, but I’ve had it in many dreams.
Normally a single tooth will feel weak, then I’ll end up ripping out my entire jaw set of teeth. There’s usually lots of blood and panic.

i see a few of my friends in ALOT of my dreams, but the problem is that i see them ALOT in RL, and i thought dream signs were to tell you that you are dreaming. If i see one of these people in my dreams, it doesnt tell me that i am dreaming at all. any thoughts?

One of my dreamsigns would be falling in an endless pit. It happens a lot i don’t know why. Some say it is an OBE, I don’t really think it is though. :smile:

A good thing to do (if you are not already doing it) is to keep a Dream Journal, that way you will notice after a wile something that frequently appears in your dreams and then be able to identify them in time.

One of mine is that there is frequently stairs with nothing on their sides that could prevent you from falling, same when I’m in a building, there is usually nothing that could prevent me from falling.

The most common elements on my dreams are doors or gates. Whenever I cross 'em IRL, I perform a RC. Record your dreams and search for repeated elements. Aside from doors, I could consider as a dreamsign blood, death in any kind, water, etc. But the most common are doors.

it’s weird, isn’t it?!! i have this one too…
[never helped me get lucid though either!]

I don’t know why but Asian people appear often in my dreams recently… :confused:

Looks like a new dreamsign is emerging with me, last couple of LD’s were caused by going flying…Which is kinda a obvious sign xD Oh well, it works.

I often find myself in computer games and cartoons. Recently, I dreamt I was talking to Homer Simpson at his house (a dream within a dream), then I found myself lying under a heap of garbage at Springfield Dump in front of Principal Skinner, who didn’t seem impressed.

i wich i had this dream :grin: