Any and all video game references. (Tekken series, specifically) A reliable, recurrent theme that could serve as my mnemonic device so long as I can remember in my dreams to perform an RC.
* You don’t actually “remember” per se in a dream, do you? I mean, for the most part, you’re unconscious until you awaken to recall the dream. Post-awakening you’re almost no different from a DC - gullible with no sense of real thought. You don’t really “think”… you just “do”. So how do RCs and dreamsigns work? It would almost seem WILD and WBTB are the only true ways of attaining lucidity. MILD and DILD are just based on mere accounts of sheer “luck” - i.e. probability.
Often, I’m just strolling down the street in fall with no predetermined destination. Once I see people flying around near telephone poles and upwards of eleven fingers on my hands, I get lucid. Pretty cool to see where the dream streets actually lead to.
Now that I think about it, I have a really good dream sign, being lost in a building that I’m familiar with in RL especially school, for some reason a lot of my dreams are just little scenes at school. Also, I seem to never really move a lot in my dreams, even if I am running.
I still haven’t become lucid, probably because my dream signs are really…normal.
My school, my friends…nothing weird ever seems to happen. Well, sometimes, but my dreaming self thinks it’s perfectly normal.
Computers- They always seem all complex and space-age in a dream.
Video games- I’ll frequently have some element of Grand Theft Auto in my dreams. I’ll often just be walking around normally, and suddenly whip out a shotgun and go on a spree.
at first, excuse some language mistakes, I’m german…
So, I write in this forum for the first time.
I’m about to learn lucid dreaming. I saw something about it in the TV, an I was fascinated immediately. I begun a week ago, and I think, now I can remember more dreams than before, about 2 dreams at night.
I’d made a dream Journal, and as I compared some dreams, I saw a regularity (do this word exist ^^). In nearly every dream, I meet people. In my dreams, I know these people, I talk with them like to someone out of my wake life. As I wake up, I can’t remember exactly the faces of them, but I’m sure, I don’t know these people in my wake life.
Is that a dream symbol? If yes, What could be the meaning? Could I use this fact for getting lucid?
hello Airwolf, you could use it by doing reality checks everytime you talk to someone you know in waking life … eventually you will do a reality check while dreaming.
As you continue to keep your dream journal other recurring themes will be seen and you will realise that what you are experiencing is similar to your dreams … while still in the dream and hopefully become lucid
mm my current dream signs …
weird toilets
looking for something/getting lost
seeing/talking to people who have died
… the shop dreams seem to be disappearing
Another thing I frequently get are places that are mixtures of a real place and somwere I have dreamed about. There are two examples of this in the DJ I think. I usually dont realise the connection between the two place untill I wake up though.