What Book Are You Currently Reading?

I am reading “The wizard from Earthsea” or what it was called.

Have just started reading ‘Creative Dreaming’, as recommended on the top of Q’s lucid books list. Absolutely fantastic and inspiring book! Even though I’m only 50 pages in I highly recommend this book. Patrica Garfield suggests highly imaginative uses for regular and lucid dreams, and is generally very inspirational (where as LaBerge’s EWOLD is more scientifically oriented).
Must read!
Thanks for the recommendation Q! :content:

I’m currently reading book nine, Winter’s Heart, of Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time Series.

Taking a break from the Prince of Nothing series, by R. Scott Bakker, to read American Gods, by Neil Gaiman.

Have finished Creative Dreaming, now rereading The Demon Princes by Jack Vance (fantastic sci fi series).

I’m about half-way through Sun Tzu’s Art of War, it’s a relatively short book* so I may finish it tomorrow. I am convinced, however, that this classic piece is well worth the time spent reading it. On that note I would like to mention that almost all of the books I read tend to be non-fiction; I’m afraid fictional stories don’t really capture my attention (although I am very fond of the timeless classics such as the exceptional Sherlock Holmes series…), just a FYI. :wink:

*it is actually a collection of essays.

I’ve been trying to find that series everywhere, but it’s out of print. I really want to read it. :sad:

I just finished American Gods and it was amazing.

I recently finished “Showdown” by Ted Dekker, excellent read. Dekker is a fantastic author. I’m about to start “Phantastes” by George MacDonald. If I’m not mistaken, it’s the first modern fantasy written.

Really, out of print? They still sell it pretty much everywhere in Sydney - maybe you can order it on Amazon, it’s certainly worth it.
I’m also reading The Games People Play (concurrently), by Eric Burne

Life of Pi
by Yann Martel

…for the 4th time.

Split. The discussion continues here. :bruno: