What Book Are You Reading? — Part II

Ranger’s Apprentice: The Burning Bridge.

I am reading

Exploring the world of lucid dreaming - by stephen laberge. (
By reading I mean it’s coming in the mail and I will be reading it shortly)

Foundation’s Edge by Isaac Asimov

I haven’t read this one yet, apparently. I’m looking forward to being able to read it when I have nothing to do. I’m getting mre and more restless at times and reading helps. Oh… and Nightfall was a nice read for anyone who might be interested in that.

/me :hugs: Alvin. Hope the restlessness goes away…

I’m actually (still) also reading one of the Foundation books - Foundation and Earth, by Asimov. I’m reading it really slowly though, since lots and lots of school work keeps getting in the way. I have a Christmas break soon though, so yay! :cool_laugh:

Shadows In Eden, By various folks.

Great book that has an absolute wealth of info on all things Clive Barker.

/me :hugs: Olesia back

Thank you for the comment. :content:

I’ve finished Foundation’s Edge (a real good read) and I’ve been aching to read the next book Foundation and Earth since then… but we don’t have it here. You’re lucky Olesia. Foundation’s Edge really made me look forward to reading it.

For now, I’m reading Prelude to Foundation by Isaac Asimov. It’s the prequel to the Foundation series. Hopefully, I’d like this a lot too.

Dave Eggers - ‘A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius’

I’m really into this book. It’s a true story of how the author at age 22, had to raise his 8 year old brother after their parents died within a few weeks. Actually, I partly blame this book for a lot of late nights recently :yawn:

:lol: I am reading “Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit Down” by Nicey and Wifey link

I ended up with a dream where I ate biscuits last night :cookiemon:

Ooh Lets see.

Currently Reading:

Metaphysics & Logic - Bertrand Russel

A Tretise on White Magic - Alice A. Bailey

Problems of Humanity - Alice A. Bailey

Then after, Plato’s Republic, The Bhagavad-Gita, and then The Satanic Bible for a nice contrast xD

I just finished Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke… It was really great, gives you really vivid images. And boy, have I been dreaming about it… How can you not dream about the Overlords, though, right? :tongue:

I’m reading the Book of Mormon. Well… I started it today anyway. I have a problem with continually reading from cannon scripture, but I’m gonna do it this time!!

Just finished George R R Martin’s Feast For Crows two days ago. I’ve no idea what I’m gonna pick up next. Probably Phantom by Terry Goodkind.

Thud!, by Terry Pratchett.

I love Pratchett :happy:

snap :wink:
I got Thud today as a present and will begin to read it soon :yay:

House of Leaves, Mark Danielewski

I’m reading Foundation and Earth by Isaac Asimov. It’s the only book in his series that I haven’t read yet (apart from Forward the Foundation). I found it in a bookstore… and though I usually never buy books (I read from libraries) I had to get this one since our library doesn’t have it, and I just had to finish the series. I’m so glad I’ve found it actually… ever since I read the preceding novel, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this one.

I’m reading “The Farthest Shore” .
Wow, 4 Urdula K. Le Guin books in a row…

All Thirteen of the Inspector Morse Series…currently on #7 :smile:

Nothing like a good crime book (or thirteen) :tongue:

I’m currently reading Charbonneau: Ensaio e Retrato (“Charbonneau: Essay and Portrait”), the biography of a rather fascinating priest, who happened to be one of the guys who built the school I studied in, and for several years, a philosophy teacher there. Awesome read, very enlightening.