What do you do in your LDs besides flying

I do, and that Add() function was one giant syntax error. :smile:

[code]while (this->State()==ST_SLEEPING)
if (!this->PerformRC(RC_WATCH)) // RC returned 0 (false), must be dreaming

    // Let's have some fun
    this->AddObjective("Hurt people");
    this->AddObjective("Locate Attractive Female");


    if ((rand()%100)>50) this->SetState(ST_AWAKE); // Woke up :(


Now if only I could set some break-points in my RL sleeping routines. Then I could debug them. :cool:

hehe being 14 and having only read oh up to classes (and then having forgotten everything besides the basics)

I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL YOU’RE WRITING!! Of course I can guess from the easy to read variables. I usually use variables a,b,c, and so on :shy:

so far the best program that describes all of my current abilities is my DOS quadratic formula calculator. Pretty sucky though

Edit: Whoopsies I am 15 not 14 just noticed that 10 mins later lol

bwhahahaha, what a good code. :smile: I am familiar with php and web based language so it’s pretty easy to understand. I tried to study a crush course in c++, but I wasn’t successful though. :happy:

I just love that code!!! LOL!!! :rofl:

I thought I should point something out before I get an explosion of replies explaining that there is a bug in my code :smile:

The line that reads:

while (this->State()==ST_SLEEPING)

Should read:

while (this->State()==ST_SLEEPING || this->State()==ST_LUCID)

Otherwise, the ‘while’ loop would end as soon as the RC fails and they become lucid!

I can’t help it, I’m pedantic :smile:

“half of a clothesline (…that was a strange dream)”

…That reminds me of that Discover credit card commercial where that one man tries to fight off ninjas and samurai with that flip-out credit card… XD

Anyway, I haven’t lucid dreamed enough to do anything besides run around and rub my hands together. Wow, unexciting life, unexciting dreams! I rule.

I thought of something new to explore in my lds. :smile:
In my next ld i dive into another persons body like Neo does with the agent at the end of the first Matrix movie. And take there program over.
Curious what will happen lol…could be a good morphing trick to lol. :cool_laugh:

And i noticed when i do zen meditation in my lds the time stops…all freezes around me like all stops…well i try after the dive into another person matrix trick to use this zen time stop at a local part of my dream like say 10 meters…so not all stops but just a part of my dream stops in time…will be fun to lol… :smile:


Ha ha ha ha ha ha! You’re sooooo funny! You crack me up! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

hmm u med in dreams? ok u have to tell me what this is like, i thought sitting still and clearing ur mind would awake you, well thats what it did 2 me. but i have always thought, u med in rl to get to a relaxed state, but in dreams we are sorta there already wonder what it would be like?

but i keep waking up.

ok maybe this is just me but i like to try shared dreaimg a lot. as you probally know.

I have:
Walked through walls ( and walked right into them !, this is not funny btw)
Fly, but not very well (also face planted) but i can actally do it now.
Asked for ashkis Relem ( i dont think that is how it is spelt ?relem of higher knolage, my friend and i both got rudly awoken when we asked for this)
I have asked what a dream is ( the dc thought about it and than said he was the wrong person to ask)
i have killed in a dream although i dont quite enjoy it as much as some :content:
Dream sex (damn good)
Fighting DC
Fighting DC for rewards but i have never asked all subconcious
Spending time with a girl i total love but cant have in rl :’(
Practice things like pic up lines just chatting
I do a lot of experiments, i i have found my best ld are simple little experiments :smile:
transforming (i was a chic, but not by choice, i was a dragon too, very strange)
umm never eaten dreamwalker whats that like?
ummm yes night skies are very nice
Fighting and over comming fears
just little things (finger through walls and glass, chucking up a stone and catching it, touching the ground, lights lol strange things)
Freezing time

Future plans:

Fly better
Dreams that Continue off each other
Just some more experiments
Mirror jumping
Cross Roads
Learning a new skill to take into life
Trying to take somthing back from the dream world(should have seen 2 years ago i was totaly thinkin this could b done… maybe)
Getting to know my DC
Time Travel

As for your C++ Program there is another problem with it, you make it far to complex, i could shorten that down for you if you like lol but maybe it wouldnt work :eh: who knows

oh and what is omnipresence??? sorry i feel kinda like a fool :smile:

damn i am sure i do a million more things in ld but it would take 2 long

Funy thing today my friend had a ld 2 days ago and he was board, he said he had nothing to do, but somethies i cant think of what i want to do b 4 sleep. sad isnt it :eek:


Timeless_soul maybe you meditate to much still from out your head…i go to alpha and delta waves…use breathing out, trance tech. then u dont wake up at all…well ehm lol my first atempt…very many years back i lol started to float in the air…later i just went below dream stage into the deep sleep…now i can control it so i can meditate and stay in the dream…lol but all freezes in time…very funny a not moving silent dream lol. when i stop the meditation then 1 or 2 sec later all begans to move again, its funny.
I also do tai chi meditation in dreams, also great, or dream yoga.


hmmm ok thats cool and yes you are right i need more pac!



I have never had a LD, but I can think of things to do…
Mabye exploding? That must feel REALLY weird. :o Or what about making yourself liquid and float through stuff? :slight_smile:

I meditated in my LDs too… by the way, if you still are curious about what omnipresence means… here it is:

ominpresent: Present everywhere simultaneously. Ominpresence: Presence in every place at the same time; unbounded or universal presence; ubiquity or the state of being everywhere at once (or seeming to be everywhere at once)

I hope that it is helpful to you. :smile: Now you know what it means. :grin:

To answer your question, I would have to have had a LD first. :neutral:

Hi everyone =]

I was cruising through the forum and I saw this thread, and I remembered something one of my lucid dreaming friends told me about once. I figured I’d post.

I’ve never done this before, but if anyone wants to try it, tell me what it’s like! (I’m still trying to learn how to LD, you see.)

She did this as a spoken command - the 360 command. It enables you to see in all directions at once - 360 degrees.

Wouldn’t that be so weird and yet awesome? =D

360 vision, I think that would just be… weird… :cool_laugh:
But a really awesome thing I recommend doing is jumping at extreme hights, I mean REALLY high! Just stand there, bend your knee’s abit, then launch yourself, just like on the Matrix when Morpheus is in the jump program, except times that by 20, it can be more exilerating than flying :wink:
Some times though, I do what Atheist does, just go crazy and beat people :wink:
There was once this one dream (Non-LD) where I was fighting cars… the cars where using there wheels like fists, but when I punched them it felt like those nail things, the ones you put your hand in and it leaves an imprint… very strange :bored:

i just got enlightend!
i was scrolling down this tread thinking oh cool, yes i have do that…and thats abit weird…will try, and so on then suddenly it hit me, this is some of the weirdest, sickest shit ive ever read, i mean hosnestly doing all these things? think about it, really think about it…how would it sound if someone who never heard of LD’s read this!!!
what the fuck are we doing!!!???
…i love it… : )

Hahaha, yes… there’s some very creative minds floating around this forum. Now if i could just seem to get my mind around the whole “when i wake up, the day before seemed like a dream, but when im dreaming, the dream before the dream, seemed like reality”

I’ve been having some moments in my dreams where i feel like i’m ME… not a projection of myself, but i felt like myself just like you feel like yourself in objective reality. It sort of freaked me out, for a moment…anyway.
Because even though im not new to this,after having watched the movie “Waking Life” for the first (3) times today (in a row, since the third time my mate wanted to watch… i thought he would just find it very hard to understand, letalone beable to sit through the entire thing without falling asleep!!) i’ve never felt so much different in my 16 or so years of whatever life i may call it… i just keep looking around incase im dreaming!! ugh!

anyway! … back to the topic, in the 1 or two lucid dreams ive partaken in…ummmm the things i did were obvious for first time lucid dreamers, you know the origional “Oh, im dreaming, what to do…where to go” predicament…
Well, instead of thinking therefore wasting precious time, i acted while i thought… running up my long road as fast as inhumanly possible (it must have been over 200km/h because i was at my destination before i could even feel my feet moving)
Then as mentioned, i leaped into the air, firmly thinking and believing that the gravity had no place in my dream, did a few flips and stuff to make it look styley infront of the shop owners who thought i was an alien…or should i say, i thought that they were thinking that i was an alien, telepathically picking up my own thoughts!.. i confuse myself :sad:

anyway… bah i talk too much, ciao!