What huge dreamsign have you missed lately Part IV

Last night I dreamt waking up naked and dirty. It was a FA.

Didn’t know I was dreaming. :rofl:

I was blowing up a cricket pitch and carefully (i always seem to be careful in dreams) leaping down one to two story drops along some bracing that held the cricket pitch up (it was on the side of the cliff and what i was blowing up was merely brackets to hold the earth in place)

I had 4 WILDs back to back after waking up in my bed each time this morning (WBTB morning). All four times my bed was at a certain different corner of the room and I never thought to question it, I thought I was really awake and of course took that for granted and wanted to get back to WILDing.

HUGE FA that I shoulda caught :neutral: Can’t be too pissed though, as I had some good lucids :wink:

Woah, i really feel stupid for missing this one.

I was asked to hop in an F-22 Raptor and nuke a city, to which i replied “not many 16 year olds know how to do that! good thing i have experience!” I was also worried that starscream from transformers would try and shoot me down.

How could i miss that? im 17 not 16! stupid stupid stupid.

I missed a dumb dreamsign recently.

I went to bathroom and suddenly my sister comes in. I was like: “Get away!”

Then after I was done, I went there again and there were two naked girls getting a shower. I said: “I’m gonna do my needs anyway!”

Then I started peeing and suddenly a black man from South Africa pops from the door! SIGH! He tried to teach me to pee or something. :rofl:

My latest is a talking Cat Guru that said…
“Everything in this world is changable. Everything in your line of vision can be changed by you.”

:lol: :rofl:
Tonight i asked myself … “how the hell did i come here so fast … this must … no , this is real , i just teleported myself with my newfound powers :yes:

dang it … im SOOOO smart :wallhit:

I recently had a dream that was just one big DS. I got my bus, went to university, hooked up with Mercedes and Jaquoi from Hollyoaks and Mercedes was intelligent!!!

Bus and Uni make regular appearances and then Hollyoaks as well.

:dingy: :dingy: anyone?

Ha! nice one.

For last night it would be riding missles into a shopping mall, fending off hordes of bugs, having two of my friends have strange disfigurements (carapaced tentacles, rectangular bumps along body) and standing on a battleship while it fired off a volley.

Well. Last night I broke onto my neighbours house just to use their computer. And when I got home I noticed there were blue lights flashing outdoors. The police?

I remember thinking: That’s pretty cool! I probarly just get some fines.

I also had a dream where I was using computer to get to LD 4 All! I was banned from the forums and my DJ post was removed due to exclipt material.

I realized I was dreaming. :woot:

I had a game inventory screen and was on a quest with my “pokemon” who were people who had “mounts” and i was looking as if i was in a birds eye view and everything was a cartoon… i later came to 1st person under water where there were several levels in which the second level there were giant fish attacking me and then my pokemon did some chanting and the giant fish were sealed in a tiny hole. But i didn’t have a nose most the time so yeah.

Also flying.
I flew for a while, I thought ‘Hey I shouldnt be able to do this’ so I stopped and started running instead! :shy:

A two-headed dog… :tongue: Just today…

I dreamt that I was swimming and I was so excited cause I cant swim!!! Yet I didnt realize it but this was before I got into LDing

In my dream, I once talked about LDing to a teacher. I miss lots of dream signs. Sometimes I become more aware for a few seconds and question something, but I either get distracted or my mind comes up with an illogical answer…

Well, instead of living in a dorm, me and my buddies decided to dorm up in a van in a mall parking lot…and another time I was telling my friend how I missed becoming lucid earlier that morning…

And I also am pretty darn bad at picking up anything dream related :meh:, that’s why I teaching myself to WILD.

Most recently:

Meeting people who are currently living half a world away from me (by far the most common. If I could recognise this, than I’d be lucid all the time) / being chased by pirates / doing magic / meeting mythical beings / going on quests

Just last night there was a broken metal fork sitting at a café restaurant sitting next to a plastic spoon. Why would I use a plastic spoon to eat pizza? (I’m pretty sure I was eating pizza) There was also my brother and two friends sitting at my table. When I was coming back to the table from refilling my cup with soda it was already gone!Family and Friends are my dreamsign.

It’s been a couple of days since my last recorded dream, but I think my last obvious dream sign that I missed was that I was a pirate. But before that I’ve even eaten zombies, witnessed a robotic cat chasing a dog and met with a wizard. Oh, and I also grew fur and paws once.

I need to train myself on performing more RCs and to question every unusual thing I see.

The dreamworld was made out of cotton candy. Enough said, lol.