The first dream I remember was about dying too. I won’t get real into it but I must have been about 5, and I dreamt that I had not listened to my mother and touched something poisonous and I just kept telling everybody "I don’t want to die " over and over…My best friend’s baby brother had just died from SIDS right before that…Man, I can’t believe I still remember that!
Not that I can remember, no…
The first dream I remember was when I was about 5. I lived in a cabin on a prairie all by myself. My best friend was a grocer who’s shop stood all by itself on the prairie about 2 miles away. I walked there often, he was an old grandfatherly type and very kind. His shop was the kind you would expect to see in the early 1900s. One day he gave me the present of a large glass jar (the type people use for soring flour or cookies) that was half filled with Orange Tang and had one of those miniature footballs in it.
The next day when I went to visit him, he was gone. In his place was a mean looking Chinese Sherrif. It was a funny picture because the man was wearing a blue police uniform, but he had one of those really long skinny moustaches, was mostly bald and a ponytail. He was quite scary. He told me my friend had been taken away and would never come back.
I’ve thought of that dream often over the years, though I don’t know why, it doesn’t seem very signifigant. Oddly enough, I had the exact same dream in 6th grade then again at around 24.
The first dream I can remember is when I were about 8.
I were sleeping in my mom’s bed, and something like a “shower monster” appeared with shower arms and legs and head, it was spitting water in all directions, and it grabed my leg and I was fighting not to fall into the monster arms…pretty weird.
I still remember my first dream ever, I was probably about 2 or 3 and I was in my toilet and for some reason I started to eat my own poop, I know i disgusting but that’s what I did. Then my parents came in and saw the mess and started to clean me up. I don’t remember anything else and I don’t know if I want to
I still remember my first dream ever, I was probably about 2 or 3 and I was in my toilet and for some reason I started to eat my own poop, I know i disgusting but that’s what I did. Then my parents came in and saw the mess and started to clean me up. I don’t remember anything else and I don’t know if I want to
Welcome to LD4all Latinoralph you may like to introduce yourself to everyone in the gathering inour sticky “hi I’m new here topic”
I seem to remember a dream about those fat little cherub angels you see in paintings that look like babies, when I was really young (like younger than 5, maybe 3). Another dream I can remember clearly from my younger years was seeing a cow in our living room behind the TV.
My first-ever dream I don’t remember, although my dad has told me that I was very upset, because my uncle Pete poured a pitcher of water on my head. That was when I learned what dreams were.
One of my first that I do remember (most dreams I had back then recurred many times, so I don’t know which was first) was this:
I’m standing in a circle of bare dirt, trapped in by a wall of piled up trucks. In the center of the circle is my white chest of drawers, and hanging on the corner of it is a sparkly, silvery-white necklace. A little girl in a white nightgown is standing next to it. She keeps pointing at the necklace like she wants me to do something with it, but I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. Suddenly I hear a weird noise and the truck wall starts falling down, smashing and piling over everything, and trucks start rolling toward me, and then I wake up.
Yeah. I’m still not sure if this means something, but I stopped having it after a while.
The first dream I can remember is a nighmare from when I was 6. I saw a rattlesnake in the dream, by the place I was playing basketball. (I remember the rattlesnake was triggered by something I watched on ‘reading rainbow’) the snake saw me, and the coils on it’s tail turned a certain color (can’t remember what. ) I thought that if the tail turned that color, he would strike you. He hissed and came after me, and I was so panic stricken. I ran to my house, and shut the door. but the rattlesnake was too fast, and came in the house. …then I woke up.
I was very young mind you. Me and my cousin were slaves under a mean women. There were alot of other slaves there too. We were in this building that was kindof a cylinder with a hole in it. To get from one level to the other in the buiding one would simply jump and fly there. It was, well, strange. I just remember a picture of me and her (my cousin) jumping several levels down. I think that we were escaping in that picture too. Not sure though.
I was not more than 4.
the very first dream I can remember was pretty short, but it did scare me to death. I might have been hallucinating, so after this I’ll write the first thing that I remember was a dream for sure. I was in my bed in my really old house, maybe four or five, and it was dark, but you know, the kinda dark where you know its dark but you can still see. I looked at the side of the wall and there was this really big set of lips. And I think they were talking, they were like the lips for the caprisun commericals I think back in the late 1980s. I turned away because it scared me and I saw a big green frog on my wall and I put my head in my pillow and fell asleep. But I believe I was sick then so it might have been a hallucination.
But the first dream that I’m sure was a dream was I was being chased down the hallway by a huge bumblebee that had a bunch of bees around it.
There are a whole bunch of other dreams from the same time, but from talking with other people there is a good chance they weren’t actually dreams, and I just had a twisted view of things as really little kid.
i can’t really remember specific dreams and ages.
I used to dream i had a horse in our workshed which i would ride. This was a recurring dream, I would go downstairs and find that horse and go riding.
I used to dream about hidden trapdoors in the attic, and in waking life be confused about it - for a long time i kept looking for those IRL as well
One dream - i think i was about 9 - was after i played “galactica” on the TRS-80 for the first time (shoot-em-up game). That night I had a nightmare that i had a baby and i had to flush it down the toilet. I was in some kind of concentration camp. I had to flush it down the toilet - which was in our bathroom. Really scary dream.
Here are the earliest dreams I remember:
I dreamed the storys that my dad told me
I didn’t now that it was from my dads storys but when I told him about the dreams he said that he had told me stories that was like that
I dreamed that I was on a circus
I remember that I woke up from this dream and that I liked it so much that I went to sleep again and continued the dream
the eagle
I dreamed that I stood in front of our neighbours house and that an eagle flew straight at me
This is the earliest nightmare I can remember
All of the dreams I ever remembered until I learned about LDing and tried to remember dreams have been nightmares. The one I think was earliest was actually slightly a lucid dream, it was also a recurring dream. I was in a phonebooth and there was something like a meteor coming to kill me. I probably didn’t notice it was a dream until after a few times, but on the times I did notice it I would cover my ears, hold my nose and keep my eyes and mouth shut tight until I woke up. I never successfully survived the dream but eventually it just stopped.
i remember having a very vivid nightmare when i was three involving a baby sitter locking me in the basement when i was trying to retrieve something from down there.
i also remember having a dream around the same time in which i was in my kitchen, took a large cutting blade and sliced my stomach in a cressent from top left to bottom, i noted there was no blood an my innards appeared as opaque “jell-o” the scene suddenly jumped to black and white (influenced by the movie the ghost and mrs muir) to the leading actress of the g & mm sowing something or another, but it was symbolic somehow of repairing the wound in my abdomen.
I had this nightmare for years when i was very young, I would by in a crib and i would look at the lightswitch and there would be all wires sticking out and all the lights in the house would go off and the fire alarms would start going mad. Kept having this dream untill i got big enough to climb over the gate that kept me and my brother from going out of our room and falling down the stairs. Since then i havent had it but i will never forget it!
There are three dreams I remember from childhood but I’m not sure which one came first…
One of them was a recurring nightmare i had when i thought a giant black monster was my mum and then it hurled me into the sun (I describe it in Nevari’s Poems).
Another one was a wierd one where I was on Aladdin’s magic carpet, flying across my front yard, which strechted out into eternity and was filled with creatures and people from fantasy/movies.
The other one is one I had was after my dad died. I walked into my parent’s bedroom and mum was on her side of the bed, but Dad wasn’t on his side. I walked over to Mum’s side and saw my Dad lying on the floor, apparently asleep, under a tartan rug. I later found out that he used to do this as meditation.
sleep under a tartan rug? what are they?
There is only one dream i can remember from when i was young. It was a nightmare type dream but i don’t remember being scared. It is only short: I was in the backyard next to the garage and there was a big thermometer on the side of the garage and the temperature kept increasing and the atmosphere got redder and redder and the dream started to break away. It is a weird dream but I may have had it more than once, i’m not sure now.
Hehehe, I had one where Jafar (from Aladin) set a tarantula on me, i think I was 5 or 6. This one came back a couple of years later