what is the 1st dream you remember?

Two dreams come to my mind as “firsts.” I think the nightmare is the earlier one, but I’m not sure how old I was for either of these.

I was at my grandmother’s house and there was a closet that didn’t exist IRL. The door burst open and a canister vacuum waved its hose and attacked me. I woke with a sucking feeling in my stomach. The fear in this dream remains vivid to this day.

In the other, I was floating face down in a river with many bends and turns. The water was crystal-clear and I saw fish in the water and crabs on the sandy bottom. It was so beautiful that I wanted to know what it meant. I even looked it up in an article about dreams in a magazine, but found the “river=life as a journey” meaning unsatisfying. Since I could read, I guess I was 8-10. I think this is the one that made me care about my dreams.

I can remember My first dream… I was about five or so. I am in a doctors office alone. My parents are talking to the doctor in the other room so I decide to spy on them. They were talking about how I was dying of a deadly disease and were going to “humane-ly” put me out of my misery by feeding me a poisonous pink pop-tart. When they offered the pop-tart to me I ran for my life. THE END

I can remember my frist dream from when i was about 4 or 5.
I’m not sure which of these dreams were my first though, but it was one of these 2.

I am in my back yard, and am stuck in a huge black witches pot thingy. And the wicked with of the west from the wizard of oz is laughing at me. I am screaming for my mom to help me, but nothing comes out. I had that dream recurring about 3 or 4 times.

The other dream i can remember from when i was about 4 or 5, was as follows:

I am in my bed very scared, and the stereotypical dracula figure comes into my room, and comes over to bite my neck, i run into my mom’s room, and hide in her bed, but as i try to grab her for comfort, she is not there. DRAcula grabs me, and then i wake up. ITs kind of wierd because i still have this dream, it doesnt scare me at all anymore, but its just wierd that i have had the same dream for roughly 12 years now.

The earliest dream I can remember was when I was 4. It was a really short one too. I was very tired at the time, and I just closed my eyes and slipped into a dream. It was dark, and all these bats flew towards me, while making a scary noise. The dream lasted for about a second, because I was so scared. I woke up screaming for my mum… It left me scared for a couple of days.

I’m not sure how young I was, but the first dream I can remember happened pretty early on.

I was sitting in the bathtub, noticing the whole bathroom had a yellowish tint to it. Somehow, I realized that I could open the drain a certain way and travel down the pipes into a strange, Dr. Seusse-esque world. The dream seemed to last for weeks, and I kept returning to this world whenever I took a bath.

LoL You expect me to remember the dream I first remembered? :help: I wish you’d asked me when I was younger! :tongue: hahaha (so what I only joined yesterday :wink: )

Well, I do remember an early dream, don’t know how old I was…probably around 8 or 9, maybe younger? :wiske: <–no reason for this smiley…just think it’s funny!

Anyways…I remember being chased by a snake in the grass. I think I had this more than once, but who knows!

heheheee Alrighty then. THAT was so informative, wouldn’t you say?

btw, glad to have found this site! :smile: :wiske:

The first one I remember was a terrible nightmare. In it my entire family, except me and my father, was brutally murdered by a supernatural force in the most graphic ways you can imagine. There was blood, guts, hearts torn out, etc…

The first time I remember having this dream was when I was 4 I think, and since I’ve had it 4 more times! Each time it gets longer and more detailed, and in the final time I actually got all the way to seeing the face of my nemesis. The freaky thing was, as soon as I did I woke up and bolted upright (no sleep paralysis), but I could still the the image of his face for a minute or so. The face itself wasn’t that terrible, a sort of hunched over beady eyed ghost, but it eminated a feeling of pure evil. I felt as though I’d seen the face of Satan himself.

However, I know I had significant dreams previous to this, because my parents told of how I had night terrors. I would sleep walk in a nightmare over to my mother’s bed and just start screaming. I did this quite a few times, but it stopped after a year or two. I don’t remember any of these dreams though.

There was another dream though that occured around the same age, and it might actually be older, I’m not sure. Anyways, my family was camping out somewhere and in the dream there was a huge explosion in the trailer. It was so vivid that I woke up immediately and got my mom, asking here if she heard a boom. Of course, she didn’t and I remained confused for a while until they explained what a dream was the next day.

I don’t remember much about my first dream. Although the first dreams I can remember are about me being a hero.

There was Little Carolyn and Big Carolyn (I don’t remember which one was me though). We used to save peoples lives and I think at one point we even saved the world. At one point I was looking at us in 3rd person. I watched us jump over an object that was in flames, I think we were saving people from a burning building.

When I was little, I remember talking to a big pair of lips that appeared from out my wall, everyone said it must have been a dream, I’m not so sure though lol. I also frequently talked to a man’s face in the ceiling. I probably just had a good imagination though :smile:

The first was when I was maybe 4 but I can’t put it to words at all, so… The next one was when I was 8 years old or so.

I was on a swing, on a large, empty stretch of black pavement. The swing became progressively higher to the extent where it wasn’t even really connected to anything at all… And I was also swinging higher and higher, watching the sky as I did— although I was at a normal pace the sky and weather morphed quickly, through different seasons and sunsets and thunderstorms and whatnot, along with translucent, archetypal symbols of time like clocks and calendars swooshing past. Then it abruptly stopped, I walked off the swing, and I woke up.

The earliest dream I remember was of standing on the front porch, at night. I think I was three or four at the time. There was this bronze windchime hanging from the aluminium awning over the porch, and every time it would ring, a brown, ugly looking tornado would come down out of the sky, some distance away. I remember running down the steps and out into the front yard, scared. There were bricks there but I don’t remember whether they were falling out of the sky or just lying on the ground. I think my parents were there as well. The scene would repeat a few times, and then I’d wake up. I’m pretty sure I had this dream more than once, too.

more first dreams can be found in Part II Link :moogle: