I’m very surprised by the number of people talking about the Old Hag. We don’t have this belief in France, and I had to come on this forum to heard about this legend.
The “sleep paralysis” trouble seems to be the source of many superstitions, which seems to differ according to the country. For instance, in UK, they have the Black Shuck, or Old Shuck, a large black spectral dog, and a lot of people experiencing SP are attacked by it. In USA, thousands of people believe they have been abducted by ET’s, etc.
In France, we don’t have such a specific legend , except for incubus and succubus, which can also be found in many other countries… French sleep-paralyzed people generally believe they are attacked by demons or ghosts.
So, I’ve some questions : what is the Old Hag “nationality” ? Or, more clearly, if you have been told by your mom or friends about it, what is your country ?
And a second question : if you weren’t told about Old Hag, is there a specific legend related to sleep attacks in your country ?