What is your favorite browser?

Yeah, but starting the beginning of March there will be nore more updates to it. So it is basically finished.

I used to switch back and to between Opera and Firefox and as far as I was concerned they each had their upsides and downsides. When I switched to 64bit there was no 64bit Opera available, I would have to mess around to get the 32bit version working and I felt Firefox and Opera were about equal so didn’t bother. Among the things I miss from Opera are the “Reload image” option in the context menu of images and the option to delay rendering the page by 1 second so when I’m browsing the forum it doesn’t draw a mangled layout and jump all over the place.

I tried to use Epiphany, but I was not happy with it’s lack of options, I couldn’t see how to get the tab bar to appear always. Cookie control is limited and where are the proxy options? Oh and the auto-complete in the address bar taking me to places I didn’t want to go by adding things to the ends of URLs :tongue:

Right now I’m using Firefox with a few addons, the only real problem is the plug in wrapper crashes, requiring me to restart Firefox to fix it. I’ve been getting frustrated with it ignoring my instructions too. Options “Do NOT keep link history” Yet it still suggests links in the address bar. :grrr: I’d much rather type www.ld4all.com/forum without it flashing a pop-up suggesting all the threads I’ve been visiting. It is quite a memory hog too… but nothing’s perfect, I’m kind of a little demanding too and apart from these things Firefox is a pretty neat browser.

Sounds familiar :cool:

Who here has already tried out the new FireFox 3 ?
It’s supposed to go much faster than the last versions of 2 and has more (and easyer to use)funktions like bookmarking via a clicking a star in the adress bar (small thing i know …)


I started off with IE, then I heard about this cool alternative browser called Firefox. Tried it for a while, but then I found Opera and I’m never going back. All the more when I read about it being the fastest and safest browser around (results from tests).

So, Opera. You can keep the others.

I use Firefox. As my computer is old, I also used Opera for a while as it was faster, but Firefox 3 is fast enough for me again and has an Adblock that is actually usable.

Google is bringing out their own browser now -------->Google Chrome at CneT

Lets see … anybody have it ?

i heard about chrome. actually, read all about it in the ebook and over at googleblog. it’s still windows only, i’m afraid, and i can’t be bothered bypassing the browser sniffer (google doesn’t even let me download the windows binaries). when it’s released for linux, i’m sure giving it a try, the whole concept behind its architecture is incredible.

among my friends who aren’t as civilised and hence still use windows (;p), those who have tried this google chrome thing have adhered to it big time. word has it it’s actually noticeably faster than firefox 3 and (gasp!) safari. it also looks very intuitive— scratch that, it looks right. finally a browser looks right. (compare it to my hacked firefox design). i’m really willing to give it a try, when the linux binaries are released.

Firefox for me…

I love the fact that, true, it does crash, but when it crashes, you can open Firefox on the same pages again without having to find them all. Which is useful…

As well as all the add-ons. I love 'em.

I’ve tried to get Grandad onto Firefox, but he remains a dirty IE perv…

EDIT: Post 2525… I just liked that number.

I usually use firefox or konqueror, but I’m about to try google chrome. It has a linux version just like everything else google makes. Yay google :happy:

WOAH! I am downloading the google chrome subversion repository atm. Thte subversion stores all the source code and gets changes programmers make literally right after they make em. So its like a beta vesion +1 once you compile it. They don’t have a linux beta so I actually have to do this, and so far the subversion is 1.7 gb and still downloading. The actual program will be a lot smaller though.

er, nope, it hasn’t. not just yet, at least, i’m afraid.

i’m getting the source code to the linux port and compiling it, though. it’s still on alpha stage, so i don’t expect much. at any rate, i’ll post my opinions when i’m done. :slight_smile:

[color=#cc3333]edit: never mind - according to google, «There is no working Chromium-based browser on Linux. Although many Chromium submodules build under Linux and a few unit tests pass, all that runs is a command-line “all tests pass” executable.»

later on: hey - all tests do pass! 8D[/color]

Im a firefox lass myself, and I also love the option to ‘Restore Session’ Its pretty fit tbh :wink:

Plus its soo easy to delete history. Which i dont need to do anyway but…still :tongue: :roll:

Plus surf the channel only works with firefox as the browser so…

But i may try ‘Chrome?’


Thats what I meant really. Im edited my post and added that. I am still downloading the subversion after 1.7 gb though :happy:

:frowning: I just read you edit

read the instructions, man ;p

also, the repository wasn’t all that hard to download, are you on dial up? it took me longer to compile than it took me to pull the svn.

I did read the instructions :happy: I just skipped that part. And no my internet is pretty fast. I download like 1.8 megaBYTES not bits :happy: a second. Thats not the fastest in the world, but way faster than dialup. Still… downloading 1.7 gb takes some time.

edit: not to mention one of the branches failed to check out so i never got to compile lol

For some reason i stick to the tried and true internet explorer!
What’s the difference between it and firefox, or does “using firefox” make you cooler?

I prefer Firefox but reccently it has started crashing all the time so I’m stuck with IE for now :neutral:

using firefox does make you cooler… same with using linux, knowing how to use command line, programming, and hacking around with your pc hardware :happy: Thats the definition of cool for me lol.

Edit: I made that definition just so I could be cool :happy:

Well i guess now i have to prove myself cool…

I just got firefox and i think it’s best. I wanted google but then i saw this…

t3.com/news/browsing-the-web … ecs?=36594

points out

  1. Big brother is watching you, and nicking your copyright - This afternoon, The Reg broke news of a worrying line or three in Chrome’s End User License Agreement (EULA), reading “By submitting, posting or displaying the content, you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free and non-exclusive licence to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute any Content that you submit, post or display on or through the Services”. In short: ‘Your shit is ours now, m’kay thanks’. You’re scaring us, big G.