What is your Solar Seal?

How do I find my seal?

White Spectral Wind here!

Ha! This poll says there’s at least three other Blue Stormies around here somewhere!

Come out, come out, wherever you are!

I’m so alone! :crying:

White (Lunar) Wizard.

Red (Magnetic) Serpent

Red Serpent 5% [ 3 ] [ We are so outnumbered =( ]

Wow lots of White Mirrors in here :grin:

“Yellow Solar Star”

…I noticed in the poll that there was only one other … i feel so lonely :sad:

Yellow (Lunar) Human

That’s 8% [5] Yellow Humans now. :smile:

i’m blue lunar storm, looked it up yesterday

no red earth’s yet? i’ll get C_mon to click the poll next time I see him :grin:

I am blue lunar eagle

but as far I can see there is only one other on this forum, is there anyone else ?

White Crystal World Bridger. Does that mean anything?

Red Earth …:content:

Red crystal serpent, that’s really awesome in a strange way…I’ve had some high dose psychedelic experiences in the past and I always always somehow end up associating with a snake or snake like entity in there. Suppose it makes sense, psychedelics a lot of the time involving regressing back to the core of your being :content:

There are three blue eagles so far—me and samzen05 are lunar and Moogle is magnetic. :content:

White Solar Mirror

I also noticed the propensity for Whites and Mirrors here. Perhaps they have a propensity for dreaming, which would explain why there are so many on this site.

yellow seed. of the cosmic variety. oh yes indeedy flaberghastingly! it’s beeeeauutifull!

Hey Draginvry…

My friend Alana (waterstarrainbow) is a White Solar Mirror too. You should check out her lucid dream of the glyph:

dreamofpeace.net/dreams/gala … mirror.php


Interesting that you are a Cosmic Seed - we are living a Cosmic Seed Year this 13 Moon Year (July 26, 2005 - July 25, 2006). That only happens once every 52 years.


White (Reflecting) Mirror here. I’m exploring the fora and hit the poll. :content:

Heh, what a coincidence. Today I find out I’m a Yellow Crystal Seed, and according to this calendar, today is also Yellow Crystal Seed. :slight_smile: