What's going on in Finland?

School shootings are most always easy to figure out. The shooter is the unpopular one who is being picked on all the time, he/she develops a grudge against certain people(who mostly DO deserve a punishment, just perhaps not death).
Accidentally he/she might shoot someone not intended at first.
So basically it is the societies fault, not that of the poor tortured soul.
That’s my view on that.

I believe there are signs that give away the persons intentions but I have no way of proving that.

forget Finland

its not anyone’s business but theirs

be responsible for your Kingdom and Queendom,
and your daily duties and obligations

the best way to be of service to the world is to drop out of it

turn off the news, because everyone that watches the news is being programmed to be a slave to stress, worry, fret, fear and pessimism

there is truly no salvation to a mind who takes the mass media’s information seriously
pills, lates, burgers, half naked women selling coke,
there is no salvation here

simply focus upon that which makes you feel good, and make love to it, every day, finding what is beautiful, not what is not.

our responsibility is to become fully inspired and full of joy and light so that we can give this to our families friends and others in our communities, and if isn’t happening in your backyard, it isn’t your business.

as the gap between good and evil becomes more pronounced strange things will happen rapidly planet wide as the angels are evacuated from the madness while the rest are purged away or given a second chance to grow their wings.

you don’t.
its very ugly and hard to work with.

Welcome back Eyelids, were you busy on a spiritual journey this whole time? :tongue:

Well said though, it’s like fox news, EVERY TIME i happen to see it, they are talking about war, or death in general, tragedies, bombings and the like. It sickens me.

Eyelids. I try not to let myself be manipulated in any way. Not by mass media or TV ads or other people. I am just curious about why a man would take up a gun and kill his whole family, AND himself :confused: . Of course there’s the matter of the other shootings, but the family one is the strangest to me.

All the time? Yes, now that sounds like an attempt in some kind of brainwashing… or maybe not… hmm…
Where I live, here there is not much talk of ANY wars, with the exception of the one between Georgia and Russia, that was a special case. Usually they just talk of interesting things that have been found or discovered, and, well, the local murders and violence sometimes, but wars really aren’t that hot of a topic.