What's your favorite flying technique?

I don’t fly to often, but my in my 4th lucid dream this month, i just flap up my arms and start air swimming :fly: :fly: :tryfly: :angel_fly:

My favorite flying technique is transforming into something and flying. I find with all my transformations that deal with flight, each creature handles differently and it’s fun to test them out. Pterodactyls seem to control very well. 2-3 nights ago I transformed into the dragon from the movie, “How to Train a Dragon”. I think that’s been one I most comfortable and awesome flying experiences so far so that might be my new favorite. :cool:

my favourite flying technique so far is just to lift from the ground, arms either pointing away from me as if i was an airplane, or held on my sides, like neo from matrix does.

furthermore, i find it much more relaxing when i can just lift up, and dont have to think about “i can fly!!1”, or need to RC before i can fly. i only managed this once yet :content:

Wyvern: yes, in the movie this dragon seemed very fitting in his element when he was flying :content:

My favorite is to levitate above ground and then speed up the superman way :razz:

I love controlling the air particles around me and making them lift me up!
OR riding a dragon! That’s always fun.

I usually use superman style in dreams :fly:

Favorite style? Hovering just above the ground. At mach speeds.

Most commonly used style? Slowly ‘willing’ myself to levitate. >_<

Swimming, feels weird but its good

I’m not doing anything physical really when I fly. I just think fly and I am, my body is relaxed arms to my side and I move forward to where I wish to go. When I’m inside I hover about 6 feet over the floor, but once outside I am flying fairly high. I love the feel of the wind, and enjoy the scenery. When I see someone below me on a road and I wish to speak to them I just end up on the road, and when leaving I sometimes jump slightly sometimes I just end up in the air without trying to get there. It is incredible to be able to fly, but I’m starting to explore other things to do when lucid.