When dream techniques fail

You better not to have that pressure on chest, It’s propably heart attack from too much tryin’ to become lucid : :tongue:

if you’re like me and get to sleep late, you might wake up at various times in the morning. I usually wake up around 7-8 and remember any dreams that I was having. If I’m lucky I have a lucid dream, but if not, I write down my dream and lay back down and just say in my head “i’m dreaming.” i say it a couple of times, and usually i just fall asleep. I don’t always experience hypnogogia because I guess i’m not trained a lot in paying attention. I’ve used them only once to “blast” into a dream fully conscious. Usually I spontaneously realize I’m dremaing and I spin and it doesn’t always work. Do you spin fast, or slow, how long, does the direction matter with each individual? I’ve tried doing cartwheels and it actually helped for awhile. As for screaming out or verbally trying to manipulate my clarity, I find it doesn’t always help either. I yell really loud, and sometimes it’s still blurry. But anyways i wake up from it, and instead of worrying about writing down my lucid dreams, i lie really still in whatever position i’m in. I’ve got it now to where all i open is my eyes. My body never moves so essentially it’s like i’m still dreaming. I feel the shocks but usually fall asleep before they fully kick in and that’s how I usually have my best lucid dreams. You can continue this pattern of lying still and falling right back into a dream pretty easily. Does it work well for anyone?