Who do you want to see in your lucid dreams?

It would be fun to summon Will Smith as J and Doc House, and take a coffee together…

I’m laughing just by thinking about that xD

I would like to see and talk to myself. That could be a nice expierience :smile: I would ask a lot of questions and, at the same time, answer them, but from other perspective :smile:

I would like to see Spock and William Bell… Those are characters played by Leonard Nimoy… Spock because of his logic :happy:, I would like to discuss about that a little bit, and William Bell to talk about traveling to parallel universes… :happy:

I love Nebula Traveler’s thought about meeting and talking to yourself only from a different perspective. That would be really interesting. Although Im not sure I would always like what I had to say to me about myself…if you follow?! :hugs:

ps can someone explain simply to me how to quote someone the way you all seem able to do? I always end up writing what they have said as part of my post. How do you get it in the box that shows its a direct quote? ahem thankyou

i think it would be fun to meet gene wylder and isaac hayes.