Who have you told?

I can talk with my brother very good. He all understands this and shares a same interest about LDing and dreaming in general. He has often LDs too. :grrr:

My family knows about my lucid dreaming. My mother even heard about it from a local buddhist and listened to one of his dreams about flying and such, She told him it sounds like “drugs”. (You’d think a librarian would express herself better.) Anyway i don’t bother telling them if I had a cool LD or anything. Partly because of the content, partly because I don’t think they’d be interested. I do have one friend who is interested but lazy and stupid in general (he used to try the old ‘it wasn’t me it was you’), but I try to keep his interest up so that one day he may stop refusing to do a RC even once. Or perhaps try an induction technique. My other friend says he has them all the time but he lies alot… i mean like… really alot!! Even if he knows noone will believe him. The only was to get the truth would be to set him up to say the wrong thing. and it’s not that important. He’ll listen to a dream if i tell him.
I wouldn’t bother much trying to convince those who don’t belive. It’s their loss.

It sounds like there’s been a lot of ignorance towards this subject! How I usually start a conversation about LDing is this:

Friend: So, anything new lately?
Me: Well, I started a DJ
Friend: Wow, that sounds interesting! What for?
Me: Well, it helps you remember more dreams.

And then I go into a short synopsis of LDing and I get some type of reaction.

Recently, I have begun sharing some DJ entries with close friends because talking about your dreams is a great conversation starter. I’ve motivated a couple people to start their own DJs, but not because of LDing.

On a slightly unrelated note, I had possibly the most vivid dream I’ve ever had last night, including a prelucid moment.

:thumbs: for the dream :smile:

Ive told one friend about LDing , he didnt belive me.

Half a year later he took up the subject, because he had remembered me saying you could have sex in dreams and asked me how to do it :rofl:

He had gotten them :cool:

and suddenly belived

I’ve told lots of people about LDing, a few of my friends now share the knowledge too.

A friend at school, E, refused to even recall dreams due to her religion. She mentions LDs in conversations as what they are, but then she says why she doesn’t like to recall her dreams.

A few other friends I told at school (or college) thought it was really cool, but they never did anything more but bring it up in their conversations… Same thing with my high school math instructor.

My best friend was totally for it when I first told him and now whenever dreams come up in a conversation he tries to tell people about LDing.

My mom finds it very interesting but she hasn’t really gotten into LDing, my dad is the same way.

I don’t really talk to people about um…“esoteric” matters. I’ve had bad experiences with that subject.

When I was in high school, I had a girlfriend. I gave her a book to read. I told her it was basically my belief system wrapped into about 350 pages. She took it and started reading. About three to four days later, she handed me the book and said, and i quote “I don’t think this will work out”.

Heh, good thing I was only dating her for about a week, so there was no real emotional attachment, ya know? I didn’t really like her that much anyways! :rofl:

By the way, I still have the book! It’s called “I am me, I am free” by David Icke

You should take a look at it some time…

Funny, people I tell about lucid dreaming usually are very open-minded about it. Might be that I only choose to tell people I know well, and they’re somewhat like me. But I believe there’s cultural differences as well. I think that especially in anglo-saxon cultures, people are raised with an attitude of scepticism and critical thinking, which is true of Sweden (where I live) and other European countries as well. Whereas in Japan, where I lived last year, you’re met with a willingness to listen.

well, Vermont’s fairly New Age, especially Burlington. It’s all a bunch of College undergrad Hippies!

i’ve only told my best friend a while back
he thought it was really cool and wanted to try it, but he didnt have time for it and eventually gave it up after a few nights of unsuccessful trying…
i still tell him about lucid dreams that i have.

I’ve told a few people at school, and mentioned in a speech I had to give once. People seemed uninterested. They didn’t think it was ‘evil’ or anything, though.

I almost began to tell my sister about it, but then I figured that it would be best if matters such as this were left to myself. I’ve never tried to tell anyone since, I’m very secretive you see, and quite frankly she has a tendency to run at the mouth sometimes (cold, I know, but I’m afraid that’s reality). :sigh:

ive only told one person and it went sort of like this:

friend: you going to sleep already?
me: yup
friend: why?
me: cuz i want to lucid dream
friend: lucid dream?
me: its where you know your dreaming and can do whatever you want
friend: like what?
me: [turn and look at him] whatever i want
friend: hmm cool … is south park on?

all he ever does is ask questions

The Reptoid guy? Wow, that’s interesting…

On topic, I have chosen to use the Internet to popularise LDing. I just keep my DJ online publicly accessible. And slowly the readership grows, and so grows my group of like-minded people.

You know, I just started thinking about my own experiences with telling people about this stuff (something I didn’t bother spending much time on when I first posted in this thread, heh). And while I don’t remember telling very many people, I know I did have some positive reactions.

I had friends who didn’t care much about dreams, who didn’t even really understand lucid dreaming, but they never acted like I was strange. One of my good friends at the time was fairly supportive, and even wished she could buy me a NovaDreamer for my birthday, heh.

I think it might depend on who you explain it to, or how you go about doing so. I’ve tried different mediums. From just explaining how it works, to giving people website links (one person remembered an LD he had a decade earlier after reading at Q’s site), to making my own web page for friends to browse through, to making an actual LD video, and presenting it to my film class. It’s all been positive for me. It’s a shame that’s not typical. :smile:

I agree, I held a speech about lucid dreaming at a psychology lesson at school once, and people seemed quite interested. But one girl did say “this is a little mystical”.

I told my friend that I was a lucid dreamer, and he was like, “alright”. Haha, I thought, rejected! But then he watched Waking Life, and he seemed actually interested in the topic, and he remembered that I was a LDer. I don’t think he’d ever go so far to put tonnes of effort into it, but seems as if he’s intruiged. :smile:

My girlfriend thinks I’m wierd for telling her of SDs. I’ve always tried attempting them. I did have a close encounter few times, but it’s not the same as a SD.

Some Reactions:
“That’s wierd, do you need to see psychologist?” (my gf’s mom)
“That’s awesome! I’ve always been interested about that.”
“Read Genesis 37:9” (from my dad)
“Um… Okay?”
“…” (from my mom)
“That’s cool.”
“How do you do that??”

I remember that two or three months ago we was reading with my english teacher a little text related to dreams. Also lucid dreaming was described, and it spoke about the ability to fly in LD’s: when we finished to read my teacher says: “Yes, lucid dreaming is when you, instead of paying attention to my lessons, start thinking and flying away with your mind.”
I leave comments to you… :help: :help:

However, yesterday i was printing a copy of EWLD and then my mother and my sister saw it so i told them… They didn’t seem neither very interested nor reluctant…
I hope i’ll find a person to share my experiences with :smile:

Sorry for my bad english

I’ve told a few people about it, and almost all of them already knew what lucid dreaming was. :neutral: “Oh yeah I do that all the time and it’s awesome.” I feel so behind the times.

I think it was just a typical teacher joke. :wink: