Who is going to watch the sky tonight?

'Twas very lackluster. There were no ominous greens as Bruno had described. Only simple shooting stars. They were cool, but most of them weren’t worth the neck pain I got from craning my neck to see them.

i was disappointed last night i didn’t get to see anything only a few tricks of the eyes and a red glow that was kinda odd.

Aw, darn it. I read about this yesterday, but I forgot. Oh well, I doubt I would’ve been able to see it anyway even if it does continue for a couple more days. I live smack in the middle of a big city. I only can see maybe 4 or 5 stars sometimes. Maybe I should go look for that telescope and still try. Hmm.

All I saw was a few shooting stars. My little brother was very disappointed in me because of it, lol. It really is too bad…

I saw around 10 shooting stars, pretty bright. I had access to a hot tub. :grin:

Dude. I saw 3 shooting stars. And I’d never seen one in my life. It was amazing.

I heeard something about a green glow but I saw none of that…also, most of the stars were in the opposite direction that the news told me to look in.

i smoked some pot b4 i went out last night.
laid out a blanket on my hill.
laid on my back and watched the sky.
i saw about 8, 2 of them were huge and left smoke trails that were visible for a minute afterwards.
it was freakin awsome, it gave me some crazy thoughts and feelings. i felt like the only person in the world.

Rats. I wish I’d known about this. Last time I saw part of a meteor shower was years ago, and I stayed up late into the night just to catch a glimpse of a few quick meteors falling.

Too bad I missed this one. Would have been cool to see it from Bruno’s viewpoint.

Me my brother and some friends hiked off into the woods for a 3 night stay in our secret backpacking spot. On the first night that we got in there, that was the 12th, we had to wade through some really cold water, so we were really just trying to keep warm. We didn’t really crane our necks upwards all that much during this period. The next night was better though, and we had a blazing fire going, so we could gaze up into the night sky. Where we were was impressive though: many stars could be seen because we were so far into the forest. I saw one really good shooting-star that left a nice long streak behind it for a few moments. All together, for the three nights we were there, we probably all saw a collective 25 shooting stars, which is rather impressive, in my opinion.

I haven’t seen the Perseid meteors before. It ends on the 20th. It’s on my calender :content:

:wow: I’m a little upset that I missed all of this discussion on the topic of the meteors! I was up in the Cascade Mountains - but that made it perfect. We stayed up really, really late on the shore of Waptus Lake, at about 3000 ft elevation. Unfortunately, we were at too high an elevation during the peak of it all, which created too much cloud cover. But on that one night at lower elevation near the lake, there was no light pollution, and we caught a few brilliant shooting stars. No green glow… I sure love this sort of thing.

omg… I thought it was on the 27th for some reason!! This sucks >_< I have been waiting for it too!!

I think the 27th is the day earth is closest to mars in like a couple hundred years… I can’t wait for that.

It’s funny, because every year something like that happens with Mars. “It’s the brightest it’s been to people on Earth since 1921! I would know, because I was there!” hehehe.

Sorry, this is not true. Snopes.com had an article on it.

I saw that on a show on discovery?? I think it’s true.

I went up to a place called Mt. Badger that night with 2 other people. They were too busy not paying attention and laughing at each other, but I managed to see 36/37 shooting stars! 1 was questionable, 2 of us are sure it was a UFO, me included. I dunno how my scientific step-brother can be so close-minded… The dang thing was moving so weird, and double-backed a few times… Now I’m up to 2 UFO sightings. :alien: